Radio today (Jan-Mar 1939)

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Mmkim md fmskmk &Mm$ Television Stations Call Wave Length Power in KW Video Audio Boston, Mass W1XG Bridgeport, Conn W1XA New York, N. Y W2XAX New York, N. Y W2XBS Camden, N. J. (Portable) 1 wov„~ New York, N. Y } W2XBT Long Island City, N. Y W2XDR Passaic, N. J W2XVT Schenectady, N. Y. W2XD Albany, N. Y W2XB Camden, N. J., (Portable) W3XAD Philadelphia, Pa W3XE Camden. N. J W3XEB Philadelphia, Pa W3XP Springfield, Pa W3XPF Los Angeles, Calif W6XAO Manhattan, Kansas W9XAK Kansas City, Mo W9XAL W Lafayette, Ind W9XG Iowa City, Iowa W9XK Iowa City, Iowa W9XUI Chicago, 111 W9XZV Mobile— Portable W10XX 6I/2& 4 6 1/2 & 4 6V2& 4 6V2&4 3& 1M 6i/2 & 4 6V2 IK 4 2y2 6V2&4 6V2&4 m 6V2 & 4 51/2 & 4 150 6V2&4 150 150 6V2&4 6V2 & 4 6J4 & 4 >/2 10 7>/2 12 0.4 .05 .04 10 10 30 .015 1 Vt 0.3 1H 1 .05 3 71/2 15 0.1 .05 0 10 30 0 1 0.15 Vs 0.15 0 .05 Bold face type shows stations operating on 4 and 6V2 meter bands. Facsimile Stations BROADCAST BANDEARLY MORNING HOURS ONLY Location Station Frequency Power Fresno, Calif KMJ 580 kc 1 kw Sacramento, Calif KFBK 1490 kc 10 kw Chicago. Ill WGN 720 kc 50 kw Des Moines, Iowa WHO 1000 kc 50 kw Detroit, Mich WWJ 920 kc 5 kw St. Paul, Minn KSTP 1460 kc 25 kw Newark, N. J WOR 710 kc 50 kw Buffalo. N. Y WBEN 900 kc 1 kw Cincinnati, Ohio WLW 700 kc 50 kw Cincinnati, Ohio WSAI 1330 kc 5 kw Cleveland, Ohio WCLE 610 kc 500 w Cleveland, Ohio WHK 1390 kc 1 kw Nashville, Tenn WSM 650 kc 50 kw Newport News, Va WGH 1310 kc 250 w SHORT WAVE Detroit, Mich W8XTY 8 metres 150 w Jackson, Mich W8XUF 8 metres 100 w St. Louis, Mo W9XSP 8 metres 100 w St. Louis. Mo W9XZY 8 metres 100 w Sargents Purchase, N. H W1XMX 8 metres 500 w Long Island City, NY W2XR 150,8,3 m. 1 kw New York, N. Y W2XUP 8 metres 100 w New York, N. Y W2XBF 8 metres 1 kw Cleveland, Ohio W8XE 8 metres 50 w Cincinatti. Ohio WXNU 8 metres 1 kw APPROVED INSTANTOMETER Push Button A.C. & D.C. A!!-Purpose Tester SPECIFICATIONS D.C. Volts— 0-2.5-10-50-250-500-2500 A.C. Volts— 0-15-150-1500 D.C. MA.— 0-1-10-100-1 Ampere Decibels 10 + 19, —10+38. —10 + 53 Ohms— 0-2,500, 25,000, 250.000 Output Ranges— 0-15-150-1500 D.C. Amperes — 0-10-25 3" Square 0-1 MA D'Arsonvai 2°'0 Meter Housed in New Leatherette Case Q 1 (\ 0 E Model 1200E Complete <B | ^ 3 J Model 1200D C -I i tj f] With 4J/£" Sq. Meter * | 4 Portable Cover 75c Extra APPROVED MODEL 720 A.C. & D.C. Mu'tiPurpose Tester APPROVED GIANT All-Test METER A.C. & D.C. Laboratory Analyzer SPECIFICATIONS D.C. Volts— 0-2.5-10-50-250-500-2500 A.C. Volts— 0-15-150-1500 O.C. MA.— 0-1-10-100-1 Ampere Decibels 10 + 19, —10 + 38, —10 Ohms— 0-2,500, 25.000. 250.000 Output Ranges— 0-15-150-1500 Housed in New Striped Fabricoid Case 3" Square 0-1 D'Arsonvai 2% Meter 14 Gauge Frosted Etched Panel Model 720 Complete With Battery and Instructions, Net 53 Model 710 D.C. Test Unit $785 $585 SPECIFICATIONS 9" Round D'Arsonvai (1000 ohm per volt) Meter D.C. Volts— 0-15-150-750 A.C. Volts— 0-15-150-750 D.C. MA.— 0-1-15-150-750 A. C.-MA— 0-15-150-750 Capacity — ,0005-lmfd.. .05-200 mfd. Ohms — 0-500. 500-5 Meghoms Decibels 10-19 —10^38. —10 + 53 Output Ranges — 0-15-150-750 Inductance — 1-700 Henries Watts— .006000 to 600 Housed in Leatherette Cabinet Model 740 Complete Portable Cover $1.00 Extra $1g95 APPROVED TECHNICAL APPARATUS CO., 57i/2 DEY STREET,— RT 539 NEAR GREENWICH STREET NEW YORK CiTY, N. Y. MARCH, 7939 83