Radio today (Sept 1935-Dec 1936)

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RAYTHEON TRADE MARK presents DO and ^ i f r MODERN RADIO SERVICE AND MERCHANDISING Raytheon's 33 New Tube Deals offer a wide range of service equipment, designed to meet 1935-36 conditions including the special requirements of metal tubes and octal sockets. "TUBE TALKS" Modern Radio Service and Merchandising (including tube complements). This 48-page book is hotoff-the-press, full of sales ideas, service tips and constructive suggestions, which have been tried out and proved in actual practice. Subjects cover not only radio tubes but also include sound methods applicable to all radio products. Finally, 30 of the 48 pages are devoted to a tube complement section which lists the types and numbers of tubes required by various model receivers of 25 wellknown radio manufacturers. This data covers over 2,000 models. This information should be available for reference, in all dealers' sales and service departments and by all independent service men. This is the start of a service reference library. The binding, designed especially for this book, permits the addition of supplementary pages which we will supply periodically . . . We believe this book is unique and is worth many times the price placed upon it. First edition is limited Mailed prepaid for 50c Ask your Jobber for complete details of Raytheon's New Tube Deals or write to RAYTHEON PRODUCTION CORPORATION Genera/ Safes Office: Dept.T9, 30 East 42nd Street, New York I mj= RAYTHEON PRD0UCTIOH CORPORATISM Radio Today, published monthly by Caldwell-Clements, Inc., 480 Lexington Avenue, New York City. Subscriptions Yearly, $1 in U. S. ; $2 in Canada and fo;eign countries. Contents copyrighted. Radio Today