Radio today (Sept 1935-Dec 1936)

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The Y&^Sf 1936 Replacement Volume Control Manual Yaxley doesn't believe in resting on its laurels. Its constant advances in volume control development prove that! The latest and greatest edition of the Yaxley Replacement Volume Control Manual proves it, too ! Twenty -four months were devoted to the production of this invaluable book. Five radio service engineers — specially trained for the task — compiled, checked and re-checked the data that makes it the most complete and comprehensive manual of its kind ever offered to you by anyone. Its preparation took plenty of time and plenty of work. And it will save you plenty of time, plenty of money, and plenty of grief. The 1936 Yaxley Replacement Volume Control Manual lists more set models than any other. It provides more factual data. It contains a complete catalog of Yaxley approved radio products. No service man can well afford to do without it. It's complete — authoritative— up-to-date! And it's free. Mail the Coupon Now for your FREE copy YAXLEY MANUFACTURING DIVISION of P. R. Mallory & Co., Inc. INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA Cable Address : PELMALLO rWf««sr£0ITION.. and that was heralded as the greatest manual ever published USE THE MANUAL and save yourself time . . . trouble and money Yaxley Manufacturing Division of P. R. Mallory & Co., Inc. Indianapolis, Indiana Gentlemen : Please send me — absolutely free — a copy of the 1936 Yaxley Replacement Volume Control Manual. Name . Address My Jobber's Name is September, 1935 41