Radio today (Sept 1935-Dec 1936)

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"The Standard of the Industry" THE Super 'Sensitive ARMORED DYNAMIC IS THE 1936 SPEAKER Representatives Mr. C. A. Stone, c/o Carl A. Stone Co., Ltd., 209 West Seventeenth Street. Los Angeles, California Mr. George D. Norrls, 303 East Pike Street, Seattle, Washington Mr. O. A. Huber, 30 Ninth Street, San Franeisco, California Mr. James C. Pope, Jr., 3037 Knox Avenue, South, Minneapolis, Minnesota QUAM-NICHOLS CO. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 1674 Broadway, New York City NEW! FREE WITH NATIONAL UNION RADIO TUBES 3 TESTERS INI This remarkable instrument Is the latest development of the Apparatus Design Company, famous makers of Confidence instruments. You can own it the easy National Union way, the way in which more than 21,000 dealers have obtained the finest instruments built. It costs you nothing. You make a small deposit which is rebated when tube purchases are completed. Get details. 1. TESTS ALL TUBES (Including new metal types) 2. TESTS VIBRATORS (Tests all types as easily as testing tubes. Saves buying separate tester.) 3. TESTS CONDENSERS (Tests leaks, opens, shorts in electrolytic, mica and ignition condensers.) instrument at a ft S.OO deposit. This deposit advances OCT. 25th/ National Union Radio Corporation of N. Y. 570 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y How can I get the new 3 in 1 tester? Name Street. City_ _State_ TRADE NEWS * Roy Erlandson, identified with the radio and music industries for the past 16 years, is now sales manager of the Rudolph Wurlitzer Company, Cincinnati, Ohio, and will be in direct charge of all sales activities of the branch stores operated by this company in various cities throughout the country. * Henry Forster, one of the most popular sales executives in the radio industry, promises to have some very interesting news for his friends in the very near future. At the present time, Mr. Forster is making his headquarters at 1307 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, HI. * There was recently formed in New York City a new company known as the Exporters of America, Inc., which has established offices at 330 West 42nd Street. H. A. Sillcox, who has been in the export field for many years, is head of this new organization which will be in charge of the export activities of a number of well-known companies including Sentinel Radio Corp., manufacturing transformers and electrical + V. A. Searles, formerly advertising manager of the SparksWithington Company for many years and one of the most capable advertising executives in the radio industry, is now in charge of advertising and sales promotion for the International Radio Corp., Ann Arbor, Mich., manufacturer of Kadette radio sets. * In Lynchburg, Va., Mayor Lewis E. Lichford had GE install a 250-watt transmitter and a receiver at police headquarters, as well as 7 receivers in police cars. The system is a one-way, mediumhigh-frequency affair which will also be used by the state police. * Jack Scanlan, former sales manager of the Muter Co., has been appointed general sales manager for Utah Products Co., makers of loud speakers, cabinets, and radio parts. * About 200 dealers from southern Mississippi and Lousiana hurried into New Orleans on August 16 at the invitation of the Interstate Electric Co. Crosley's I dfe^-(m4twitmn> I Headquarters jor Quality Radio Sets at Low Prices Capitalize on this world renown I name, which has always been associated with the highest § quality types of radio sets. Now you can sell "Freed-Eis-i | mann" sets to your trade at popu =_ lar prices, within the reach of all. § This new line has everything § | needed in popular priced radio to | ! help you do a substantial business m. \ at a good profit. 5 to 10-tube i Superheterodyne models — Foreign | I Short Wave, Police and Broadcast § bands. PRIVATE BRAND SETS A complete line of TRF sets for I sales and promotional purposes g to fill the need for low priced I leaders and round out a complete line. Single band and two-band 1 sets attractively styled. Exclu § sive cabinet designs and brand g names for quantity buyers. Busl 1 ness solicited from small as well =. as large accounts — export business also invited. Write at once for details and i prices. | Licensed under RCA and Hazelllne patents § | FREED MANUFACTURING CO., Inc. | 127 W. 17th St. New York. U.S.A. | Phone? CHelsea .3-1717 Cable: RADIOFREED j Capautote WETDRY PAPER MICA TRIMMER JbdUoMi. ■■■ m zvthy ciimcde. tkcouahout/' UurWoddQ WHEN IN NEED OF GOOD CONDENSERSSPECIFY THE BEST Literature on rei SOLAR MFG. CORP. 599-601 Broadway New York City September, 1935 49