Radio today (Sept 1935-Dec 1936)

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TODAY'S TRADE TOPICS * Jerome Kahn, president of the Standard Transformer Corp., Chicago, announces that the company is in position to triple its production, as a result of the installation of elaborate new impregnating equipment and an increase floor space. •k Atwater Kent's southern territory, which includes Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas, has a new divisional sales manager, E. H. (Ernie) Severson. Appointment is the sixth one to be made by AK since the first of the year, in its divisional representation. Severson has been with the company periodically since 1927. * Radio Sales, Inc., CBS subsidiary, has a new staff member, Stephen S. Fuld. ■*• California and the Northwest now contain two new representatives for the Atlas Sound Corp., manufacturers of sound reproducing equipment, Brooklyn, N. Y. Arnold A. Sinai, 2 6 Ninth St., San Francisco, is the California man; Northwestern Agencies, 2603 Third Ave., Seattle, will cover the Northwest. Latter area includes Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Vancouver in British Columbia. * Broadcast Radio Co., dealers of Hackensack, N. J., have moved to new and enlarged quarters at 155 Main St. Company is in the midst of a two-month celebration of the event, and as usual is billed as "The Home of Radio Insurance," accenting the store's service policies. * Crosley Radio Corp., while enlarging its plant facilities in Cincinnati, recently sold its radio factory at Kokoma, Ind., to General Motors. Latter firm will continue to depend upon Crosley for considerable part of its auto sets, and Crosley will continue to make car receivers for other auto makers also. * New assistant director of program service at Columbia Broadcasting System is Harry G. Ommerle. formerly assistant director of X. W. Ayer & Son's radio department. * American Microphone Co., 1915 S. Western Ave., Los Angeles, Cal., has been granted a license by the Brush Development Co., permitting them to manufacture crystal microphones under Brush patents. * Crosley Radio Corp., Cincinnati, has new general sales manager, Thomas W. Berger, recently named for the position by Powel Crosley, Jr., president. Berger has had a wide experience in various branches of the electrical appliance field; prior to joining Crosley he was president of the Prima Mfg. Co., Sidney, Ohio. * R. L. Munger has become sales manager for Taylor Tubes, Inc., tube makers of 2341 Wabansia Ave., Chi cago. For the last 5 years, Munger has been manager of the Lew Bonn Co., Minnesota radio parts jobbers. * News of the formation of Case-Hallicrafters, Inc., reported in the last issue of RADIO TODAY as the important merger of the Case Radio Corp., Marion, Ind., and the Hallicrafters, Chicago, is followed this month by spirited announcements concerning manufacturing activity. Hallicrafters factory will be moved to Marion, where the name. "Case-Hallicrafters" will go up on a top-rank radio plant. Firm will have a separate division to build Hallicrafter communication receivers, and in addition the company will offer a complete line of home sets. * Servicemen from all sections of New England, some 750 of them, flocked to Boston late last month to attend the first annual Equipment and Parts Exposition sponsored by the Radio Technicians Guild of Massachusetts. Unusual success of the show prompted the Guild and its associated chapters of Providence, New Bedford and Fall River to begin plans for next year's event. Program for 1936 included lectures on "Radio Noise Elimination," "Solving Condenser Problems," "Customer Relationship," and "Pick-Up Attachments to Radio Receivers and Methods of Matching." + Mirror Record Corp., New York City, is now ready with its new "Mirror Coated Disc," according to Paul K. Trautwein, company chief. Mirror Corp. has tripled its space for production of the new item, which will be presented in conjunction with the "Mirror Aluminum Disc." * First annual sales institute for Universal Microphone Co., Inglewood, Cal., is set for June 4 to 7, designed to acquaint all sales representatives with what goes on at Universale factories. Series of demonstrations and lectures has been scheduled; Universal execs on the program include James R. Pouch, president and general manager; E. E. Griffin, chief engineer; and E. K. Barnes, sound expert. * New York offices of Raytheon Production Corp. have been moved to 42 0 Lexington Ave. + Jerome Jacoby and David L. Williams have been added to the sales staff of Anchor Lite Appliance Co., Crosley distributors of Pittsburgh, Pa. Anchor Lite Co. has been curiously pursued by fires and floods since January. First, neighbors had a fire and Anchor Lite was generously sprinkled; later the damaged buildings collapsed, and Anchor had to move. Then came the Pennsylvania floods. * New distributor for Troy radios in Northern California is C. C. Brown Co., 2 6 Ninth St., San Francisco. Brown Co. also handles Hygrade Sylvania tubes and Dayrad test equipment. * Hatry & Young, Inc., radio specialists with headquarters at Hartford, Conn., have announced the opening of a third store in Bridgeport, Conn. Other branch is at New Haven. ■*• Radiobar has added two new district managers to its sales organization: W. R. McAllister, with headquarters in Chicago and the Middle Western assignment; and L. A. Coons, to cover the East and South. Company recently held a 3-day sales meeting in New York with the new district managers present, as well as C. T. Hillman, Eastern sales manager, and Roger Thompson, division manager. Radiobar has enlarged its sales scope because the product is specially adapted to summer selling. * Bayshore Radio Service, formerly located at 9 Fifth Ave., Bayshore, Long Island, N. Y., has moved to a new shop at 176 W. Main, same city. According to William Exter, Jr., one of the company heads, the firm will continue to offer 2 4-hour service. + Cinaudagraph Corp., Stamford, Conn., has a new district sales manager for the Midwest, Roy W. Augustine, whose offices will be in Chicago. Augustine is a radio vet formerly with the Utah Products Co. (Continued on page 52) This ad pinned to your letterhead will bring you complete data on the great Baldwin line o f Replacement Speakers. ONSOUDATED RADIO PRODUCTS CO., 3 ER10R ST., CHICAGO rMLWndSTRHT^FYORKrN^ May, 1936 45