Radio today (Sept 1935-Dec 1936)

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The new RCA Victor line about to be revealed covers every price class with merchandisethat is strikingly superior in appearance, performance, features. Bigger values than ever before! It offers: 28 MODELS including 6 Consoles under $100 that will go to town in a big way ! In June you will see the greatest line in all RCA Victor history! Every number is made andpriced to conquer a market. Tube for tube, cabinet for cabinet, dollar for dollar, here is a line that will break all records. High -lighting the better sets is a magical new feature, Camden's greatest rca MANUFACTURING CO., INC. achievement since the Ortho Camden, N.J. Aservice of the Radio Corporation of America phonic Victrola, joining the "Magic Brain" and the "Magic Eye" to create sensationally new standards in reception — and in sales . . .This line is so hot it sizzles! Wait until you see it, and get the details of the highpower advertising and promotional plans. Full details will be available to the trade shortly. May, 1936 47