Radio today (Sept 1935-Dec 1936)

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through Space ...aloft and invisible! IN BOUNDLESS SPACE; in all fields of radio, RCA pioneered. For RCA was first to use the airwaves for international communications . . . domestic communications . . . broadcasting. Today, America has seen one RCA service of the air grow, from a small beginning to a point where now the words . . . "This is the National Broadcasting Company!" . . . are heard from early morning until late at night by millions in the United States and Canada . . . words synonymous with radio's best entertainment. Thus again RCA comes to the fore. The National Broadcasting Company, one of the Radio Corporation of America's services, operates the largest networks in the world. Stretching from coast to coast, reaching from Canada to Florida, the NBC Blue and Red networks comprise 96 stations, linked together by specially engineered telephone wires. Through these vast networks, NBC serves millions daily with every type of program. By applying knowledge of the problems of broadcasting to the manufacture of its radio products, RCA assures the buying public of "pre-tested" quality. RCA engineers sound— some day it will engineer sight! Only RCA is active in all branches of the radio industry. That's why RCA merits true confidence. And, since confidence is a mighty sales factor, RCA dealers do a better business! RCA Manufacturing Co.. Inc. • RCA Communications, Inc. National Broadcasting Co., Inc. RCA Institutes, inc. • Radiomarine Corporation of America Master Control Room at Radio City THESE ARE SOME OF NBC'S BROADCASTING "FIRSTS": NBC Music Appreciation Hour, with Walter Damrosch conducting,reaching millions of school children throughout the nation, inaugurated on combined WEAF-WJZ networks . . . 1928. First to use glass curtain, shutting offaudience noises from broadcasting studio stage. .. 1930. First 'round-the-world broadcast by Pope Pius XI on combined networks in 193 1. Light pack set, a foot square and seven inches thick, introduced by NBC . . . 1933. Used by "roving reporters" at President Roosevelt's inauguration. First to introduce improved mobile short wave transmitter capable of broadcasting on a national network and maintaining constant two-way communication . . . 1933. First to introduce improved short wave relay apparatus for broadcasts from aircraft and similar uses . . . 1933. —plus many more outstanding "firsts" that stamp NBC first among the networks of the world. Listen to "The Magic Key of RCA" on NBC Blue Network every Sunday, 2:00 to y.oo P. M., E. D. S. T JlERIC A • Radio City • NEW YORK MUNICATIQNS . . . BROADCASTING . . . RECEPTION