Radio today (Sept 1935-Dec 1936)

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Commercial receiver * All-wave 16-tube superhet designed for commercial and amateur use. Covers 540-20,000 kc. with continuous band spread. Each band has separate coil and air-dielectric trimmer condenser. Cam control switch selects proper coils. AVC, audio beat oscillator, tuning meter. Super Pro — list $380. With crystal filter— list $410. Hammarlund Mfg. Co., Inc., 424 W. 33rd St., New York City— Radio Today Portable sound system * Low-cost sound system for use where six watts gives sufficient coverage. Carbon microphone with 12-foot cable, feeds amplifier. Tone and volume controls. 10-inch dynamic speaker connecting cable. Total weight only 28% pounds. 110 AC operation. Model PG63-B price complete — 579.50. Other portable sound systems with velocity mikes are: PG98, 12-watt class A— $179.50; PG62-E 20-watt Class A— $299.50. Commercial Sound Section, RCA Mfg. Co., Camden, N. J.— Radio Today Hi-way windcharger * Wind driven generator for use in charging trailer battery, etc. Charges at a road speed of 22 to 45 miles per hour — maximum rate of 20 amps. Propeller blade 22 inches — weight of unit 27 pounds. Complete with ammeter and relay. List $19.95. Wincharger Corp., 2700 Hawkeye Dr., Sioux City, Iowa — Radio Today 15-inch speaker + High-power speaker with curvilinear diaphragm — capacity of 20 watts average. Designed especially for use with 6L6 beam power tubes. Frequency range of 40 to 6000 cycles. Normal field excitation 13 watts. Model 305 — list $30. Magnavox Co., Fort Wayne, Ind. — Radio Today 20-watt amplifier kit • Push-pull amplifier with 6B5 tubes. Dual channel input. Gain of 98 and 138 DB. Flat frequency response and low harmonic distortion. Total list Jefferson parts $20.50. Jefferson Electric Co., Bellwood, 111. — Radio Today Recording supplies * Professional instantaneous recording and playback disc in following sizes— 8, 10, 12, 13%, 16, 17 inches. Wider frequency response than usual. Celluse mass totally free of foreign particles and substance. Other products are a cutting lubricant, preservative, and conditioner. Universal Microphone Co., 424 Warren Lane, Inglewood, Calif. — Radio Today 15-watt amplifier * High-gain amplifier for P.A. work. Flat response within 2 DB from 50 to 10,000 cycles — overall gain 125 DB. Mixing facilities for 1 highgain and 2 low-gain input circuits. 15 watts average output. Field supply of 16 watts. 11 output impedances. Models for 115, 220, 240, 250 volts; 25 and 60 cycles. Model C-16 110-volt 60 cycles — list $51.50. Transformer Corp. of America, 69 Wooster St., New York City — Radio Today Freed-Eisemann battery portable ■*r Five-tube portable superhet for summer vacationers. Self-contained batteries, antenna, counterpoise. Tuning range — 540-1700 kc. Perm-o-flux permo-dynamic speaker. Fabrikoid carrying case with detachable cover — weight 21 pounds complete. Model P-55— list $49.95. Freed Mfg. Co., 44 W. 18th St., New Work City— Radio Today Dual-impedance velocity mike * Velocity microphone with specially designed transformer and shielded four-conductor cable allows use of high or low impedance input circuits. Mike impedance automatically changed by plugging in proper plug — no undesirable dead windings are left in circuit. Model RB-DI — list $44. Amperite Corp., 561 Broadway, New York City. — Radio Today Ranger-Examiner signal generator * Low-cost test oscillator for servicing — plug-in coils. Five frequency bands — 100-18,000 kc. — all fundamentals. Trimmer condensers built into each coil — individually calibrated. Accuracy 1 per cent on i-f. and broadcast frequencies and 3 per cent on shortwave. Self-contained batteries. Model 557 — net price complete $18. Readrite Meter Works, 126 E. College Ave., Bluffton, Ohio— Radio Today Speaker projector * Umbrella type speaker projector for sound systems where 360° sound coverage is necessary. Parabolic shaped unit houses a single dynamic cone speaker up to 12 inches diameter. Diffuses sound wave uniformly. Pipe flange support or ceiling suspension hook — size, 3-foot,diameter by 14 inches. List $90. Colortone, Inc., Sturgis, Mich. — Radio Today DeWald sets * Featured in the 1937 Model 518 AC-DC 5-tube ballast) compact. Power 1 watt — dynamic speaker, range — 540-4000 kc. Full-v brated dial. Size — 7% x 10% List $18.90. Other models are: 520 5T 2-band AC table 517 5T auto radio 617 6T auto radio Pierce-Airo, Inc., 510 Sixth York City — Radio Today line is the (including output of Tuning ision calix 6 inches. $ 29.95 44.95 Ave., New July, 1936 57