Radio today (Sept 1935-Dec 1936)

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XTRA SENTINEL RADIO CORPORATION 2222 DIVERSEY PARKWAY • CHICAGO EXTR SENTINEL ANNOUNCES , 1937 FARM RADIO / THE MOST COMPLETE LOWEST PRICED QUALITY BATTERY RADIO LINE! 2, 6 and 32 Volt Models PRICED AS LOW AS *2995 Complete with Batteries ADVERTISED TO 5,158,000 FARMS LEADING FARM PAPERS NOW CARRY SENTINEL ADS A smashing, forceful campaign in leading farm papers is now carrying Sentinel's story to 5,1 58,000 farms, to your prospects, in your territory. An elaborate campaign of direct mail material, dealer displays, circulars for dealer distribution is being prepared. Every farm family is going to hear about the marvelous 1937 Sentinel radio through this aggressive advertising that will back up the word of mouth advertising created by the thousands upon thousands of satisfied owners of "Sentinel" the pioneer farm radio. We'll bring them in to you, you sell them! An easy taskwitb this many-featured low-priced quality line. Spec/a/ FARMPOWR and WINCHARGER DEALS Farmer Saves As Much As $29.50 Sentinel customers will again have the opportunity to make substantial savings on the purchase of Sentinel Farm Powr, the sensational gas-engine generator that not only keeps radio batteries fully charged at all times but provides electric light and power for a multitude of different uses on the farm at low cost. This portable generator was the sensation of the 1936 season — the solution to the battery charging problem and the answer to the crying need for electricity on the farm. .Sentinel dealers are "going to town" with this outstanding battery charger. The genuine $44.50 De Luxe Wincharger, too, is available to purchasers of Sentinel Radios at a saving of $29.50. This unit has revolutionized radio performance throughout the country by eliminating battery charging troubles and has made farm radio even more economical than city radio. UNPARALLELED PROFIT OPPORTUNITY FOR FARM RADIO DEALER The 1937 Sentinel Line is made to order for the Farm Radio Dealer. There's more sales appeal, more beauty, more performance, more dollar for dollar value packed in every Sentinel Model than you've ever had before. It's the hottest Radio line that's ever been presented, and it will be backed by the most aggressive advertising campaign in Sentinel history. You've never had a line that presents so great an opportunity for sales and profits. Sentinel, the pioneer of farm radio, has continuously made money for its distributors and dealers — this year will be even better than ever before— with this complete, up to the minute line, the finest farm radio ever built — and the lowest priced. You can't miss! Get on the band wagon and go to town with the Leader in Farm Radio. Send in the coupon for complete details on our dealer plan today. NEW CONSOLETTE MODELS WIN DEALER A APPROVAL INCREASE PROFIT OPPORTUNITY Here's something entirely new in Farm Radio, the Sentinel Consolette, a beautiful, compact miniature console, economical in floor space, ideal for the small farm home, outstanding in design and sales appeal. It's a splendid tradeup from the lower priced table models and enables the dealer to increase his profit margin. It's the smash hit of the year in radio cabinets. HAVE EVERY FEATURE OF FINEST CITY RADIO Sentinel again demonstrates its leadership in Farm Radio with this sensational 1937 Sentinel Line. Model for model, feature for feature, in performance, in beauty of appearance, Sentinel Farm Radio is the equal of the finest city radio. Look at these amazing features, that you can now offer the farmer: TEL-EYE TUNING— The magical eye that permits split-hair and silent tuning of both distant and local stations. DYNAMIC SPEAKERS— In every model give tone quality equal to the finest AC models. FOREIGN RECEPTION— Brings in Europe, Asia, South America — the romance and excitement of the whole world brought to the farmer's home. 14 MODELS— A COMPLETE line, with 2-volt, 6-volt and 32-volt models to offer to your prospective customers. LOWEST PRICES— Make it possible for you to compete with mail order and chain store competition. LATEST CABINETS— The latest "Lay down" table cabinets, a brand new and exclusive Consolette, and splendid consoles that will beautify the finest home. AND a dozen more features we can't describe here! Send the coupon for full description. THE PIONEER OF FARM RADIO mnii this coupon! i i | SENTINEL RADIO CORPORATION I I Dept. RT, 2222 Diversey Parkway . 1 Chicago, Illinois. Please let me hear full particulars on the Sentinel I | Line immediately. ' Dealer i I Address I I I I City State .