Radio today (Sept 1935-Dec 1936)

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The Right Time Payment Plan Makes More Sales TO get the benefit of all that a time payment plan has to offer in the way of profitmaking possibilities, the dealer must take advantage of the best available service. That service should provide a plan easy to sell, safety for all parties to the contract, be underwritten by a finance company in which the public has unlimited confidence and administered with promptness, efficiency and courtesy. Such a service plan is that offered by Commercial Credit Company through its local offices in the principal cities of the United States and Canada. Behind the local offices which offer this plan, assuring you close personal service, stands the entire organization of the Commercial Credit Company whose record of handling more than $600,000,000 of receivables and time payment financing during the past year speaks for itself. Commercial Credit Company has a staff of highly trained men, who are at the service of dealers and distributors at all times. These men may be consulted on matters of financing without cost or obligation. One of them is as close to you as your telephone. Why not call him now? Commercial Credit Company COMMERCIAL BANKERS CONSOLIDATED CAPITAL HEADQUARTERS: BALTIMORE AND SURPLUS #49.000.000 FINANCING SERVICE FOR MANUFACTURERS, DISTRIBUTORS AND DEALERS THROUGH 170 OFFICES IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA July, 1936 63