Radio today (Sept 1935-Dec 1936)

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ARCTURUS offers you an unbeatable combination. It's the ONLY line which gives a dealer ALL 4 TYPES of TUBES his customers want — GLASS, "G," METAL and the NEW CORONET METAL TUBE for modernizing old glasstube sets! FOUR ACES that guarantee you your full share of Sales and Profits ! For jull details oj the 4-WAY Arcturus line and the new Coronet Metal Tubes write: ARCTURUS RADIO TUBE CO., NEWARK, N. J. CORONET, METAL "G" and GLASS RADIO TUBES &u&vytkmq JnJlajciio T^lew Radio Profit Guide Completely revised — right up to the minute— everything in radio — at the right price. Radolek makes money for you. Over 10,000 Repair Parts — a complete selection of Receivers, Amplifiers, Tubes, Tools, Books, Instruments — always in stock — ready for speedy shipment to you. You need this big Radio Parts Catalog. It's free! Send for it. Radolek endeavors to restrict distribution of The Profit Guide to those actively and commercially engaged in the Radio business. Please enclose your Business Card or Letterhead. • ~R~A~b"6~L~E "K 614 W. RANDOLPH— CHICAGO Send Me the Radolek Radio Profit Guide FREE. Name Address Serviceman? Q Dealer? □ Experimenter? □ SERVICE NOTES (From preceding page) Speaker can be disabled by opening voice coil lead, by shorting primary of output transformer, by shorting secondary of input transformer. Choice depends upon where headphones are connected. Either a separate switch can be employed or a multiple spring jack which performs the operation automatically as the headphones are plugged in. When connections are made to high-voltage circuits be sure to use condensers with rating of at least double the voltage encountered. For economy it is usually desirable to make connections in low voltage circuits. It is usually a simple matter to sell the installation when a set is in the shop — some reasons for headphones are : reception without disturbing rest of family, for shortwave and DX reception. If desired an adapter kit can be sold, eliminating circuit changes in set. "COMPLETE SERVICE JOBS" SOLD THRU PROGRAMS * "The average radio serviceman today is intelligently interested in every scrap of information he can get about his profession," says Paul S. Ellison, Eastern sales supervisor for Sylvania radio tubes. "The recent change in format of Sylvania News, to provide a separate 4-page technical section, has opened our eyes to the fact that servicemen have become not only better technicians, but better salesmen. From all over the United States, servicemen wrote to thank us for the additional service and technical information made possible by the new section. We rather expected that, however. What we did not expect were the numerous intelligent comments on sales, display and practical customer-contact articles which have been featured. "We discovered also that servicemen are learning to use radio entertainment as a sales argument. It has always been a pet theory of ours that the radio dealer who sells entertainment rather than sets or tubes, will in the end sell more sets and tubes than his brother who harps only on fidelity and volume control. Some of them tell us that they have less difficulty in getting their customers to permit a complete service job when they are able to draw the family into a discussion of favorite programs." Matched ! It's easy to match original volume control equipment. Just look up the set in C L A R O S T A T Guide. Presto! There's the dope. Your jobber can furnish the unit called for. Composition element type for wide resistance range. Wire -wound type for handling appreciable current. Choice of resistance values and tapers. Velvety rotation • . . noiseless . . . dependable . . . long-lived. It costs you less when you use CLAROSTAT Exact Duplicate Replacements. You save time, trouble, kicks. WTwm +** *or y our copy *f CXAR Om«* STAT Replacement Guide No. -. Meanwhile, ask your jobber for CLAROSTAT controls. CLAROSTAT ^jvVU,. MANUFACTURING CO. J$^ f 2g_ Incorporated fr^Al 2"5 ISor,h Slx,h St %\%)v Brooklyn, N. V. REMOTE-0-CABLE REPLACER The ONE MACHINE that DOES IT ALL/ $3724 v* ' NET To DEALERS Designed especially for auto radio work, the REPLACER easily and quickly removes old fittings — swedges cable to prevent unravelling — cuts & . .-:>,/ cable to exact length — . -;^S&». replaces old fittings nn new cable. Auto radio control cable and housing, same as originally used by leading set mfrs. 50, 100 and 200 ft. lengths. Plain and gear-type fittings and housing-ends. Exact duplicates of size and quality. Equips you for 95% of all jobs. Write for 5-page catalog now ready. J. F. DISTRIBUTING CO. 5024 Fort Hamilton Parkway Brooklyn, N. Y. 66 Radio Today