Radio today (Sept 1935-Dec 1936)

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Ken-Rad RadioTubes DEPENDABLE LONG LIFE Our complete dealer sales plan opens the way to better business. Write for it today. Genuine Glass or AU-Metal Radio Tubes Division of The Ken-Rad Tube and Lamp Corporation OWENSBORO KY. Also Mfrs. of Ken-Rad Incandescent Elec. Lamps terwionAL New Auto Antenna Brings In Stations • Brings In Business It's new, efficient, stylish and streamlined. Thousands already use . . . it's the fast est seller imagina NORWEST MREAHJJNr AUTO ANTENNA Designed especially for Tut-ret Top cars. No holes to drill . . . increases pickup in isolated districts where signal strength is weak. Low motor noise level obtained by shielding effect of car top. Will not short out from ice. water or mud. Works well anywhere all the time. Nothing comparable on the market. Insure? more distance, less noise and more volume. Mounts on rubber vacuum cup standoffs, adds to streamline appearance. Works equally well on fabric top cars. Easily and quickly installed. New Low ( Sedan or < Coach $5.50 List Price ( coupe $5.00 NORWEST RADIO LABORATORIES Main Office and Factory (OEPT. 7-2) 3454 FULLERTON AVE. Chicago, Illinois Western Division, Shelby, Montana JOBBERS AND DEALERS WRITE FOR DETAILS . IT SELLS AND IT SATISFIES WHOLESALERS transfer . . . * Ray H. Turner, Philco representative in Kansas City, Mo., for the last year, has shifted to Wichita, Kan., where he will work with Spurrier's, Inc., distributors of the south central Kansas area. Turner will supervise Philco distribution in Kansas and western Missouri. trio . . . * Three distributors reporting that they will stock Zenith in place of Atwater Kent are E. B. Latham Co., Newark, N. J.; Brown Electric Co., Oklahoma City, Okla.; Strauss Frank Co., San Antonio, Tex. daily except Sunday . . . * Reporter from Radio Today happened in upon a gala radio show at Kansas City, staged by Earl J. Goetze, RCA distributor. Billing said "special presentations daily except Sunday, Sunday showing by appointment." More than 400 dealers of the area were attracted; assisting Mr. Goetze as hosts were Tom Condon, sales manager, and Herman Embrecht, sales representative for Northern Missouri. Show occupied an entire building, loudly advertised outside; there were lunches, movies, addresses during the meeting and afterwards the floors were opened to the public. RCA factory men on hand were H. C. Bonfig, F. B. "Ted" Ostman and H. T. Stockholm. new one . . . * Important distributing organization, exclusively Philco, has been set up in Dayton, Ohio, at 427 E. Third St. Firm is called Dayton Radio Co., Inc., president is R. V. Ford, who last month made a special statement to Radio Today. Company will distribute parts and tubes, and will offer complete installation and service on auto sets, throughout 11 counties of Ohio. Treasurer is W. W. Bennett; secretary, Harrison Godsell. radio drama . . . * Westinghouse distributors from Maine to Atlanta, and from Pittsburgh east, met in New York City recently for a dramatic announcement of the company's new line. Similar meetings are being held in Chicago, St. Louis and the West Coast, where merchandising policies, 'advertising and sales promotion plans will be outlined as at the New York meeting. special group . . . * Emerson has made exclusive distributor arrangements with these firms: E. J. Edmonds, White Plains, N. Y.; D'Elia Electric Co., Bridgeport, Conn.; Albany Distributing Corp., Albany, N. Y.; B. W. Smith Co., Cleveland, Ohio; Columbus Ignition Co., Columbus, Ohio; Buhl's Sons & Co., Detroit, Mich.; Auto Equipment Co., Denver, Colo. Latter company covers all of Colorado, adjacent counties in Kan., Neb., N. Mex., and Wyo. E. J. Edmonds held an important dealer showing July 10. WRIGHT-DECOSTER New 12-inch Speaker Model 990 Cone diameter 12 inches Overall depth 7 inches Features: • Universal Field Coil • Universal Transformer • Para-Curve Diaphragm • Appearance 6 Improves any Radio The Universal field coil furnishes all standard resistances and is a hrand new feature. LIST PRICE $0.90 There's a big market ^W waiting' for this item. ^r Write for complete catalog and name of nearest distributor. Wright-DeCoster distributors are always anxious to cooperate. WRIGHT-DECOSTER, INC. 2265 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Export Dept.: M. Simons & Son Co., New York Cable Address: '"Simontrice" Canadian Office: Wright-DeCoster, Inc., Guelph, Ont. COMPLETE ELECTRIC PLANTS ONAN ALTERNATING CURRENT PLANTS OPERATE A.C. RADIO, PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEMS, SOUND CAR EQUIPMENT, MOTION PICTURES. Can Be Used Anywhere Supply Electricity for Camps, Cottages, Farms, Boats, Commercial Purposes and places where current is not available from power companies. Will Operate Water System, Refrigerator, Household Appliances. Sizes to Suit Every Purpose Built in sizes 350 to 50,000 watts, J110 and up. Supply HO or 220 volt. 60 cycle, single or three phase current. Operate on Gasoline, Gas or Distillate. Also 32 volt, D.C. Models. All Models furnished complete, ready to run. Write for details D. W. OrVAI* & SONS 5G3 Royalston Ave. Minneapolis, Minn. 68 Radio Today