Radio today (Sept 1935-Dec 1936)

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lM$f SHELVADOR IS TOUGH COMPETITION! No one knows that better than dealers trying to sell other makes TOUGH to sell against . . . this much more in a Sheivador TOUGH to sell against . . . the world's most beautiful refrigerator But mighty sweet to fall in line . . . To push the refrigerator that, for four consecutive years, has shown the fastest sales growth; the refrigerator that is now making merchandising history; the refrigerator that fits the millionaire's kitchen and the working man's purse . . . THE CROSLEY SHELVADOR Priced from $99.50 to $244.95 including delivery and installation. Five-year Protection Plan. (All prices slightly higher in Florida, Texas, Rocky Mountain States and West.) SHELVADOR DEALERS' ENTHUSIASM REACHES NEW HIGH AS SALES AND PROFITS SOAR ! • from Massachusetts 300% SALES INCREASE • from Tennessee SELLS 1000% OF QUOTA • from Ohio SELLS SEVEN TIMES MORE THAN ALL COMPETITORS The .American Housewife vote for Sheivador is at flood tide. Dealers are profiting as never before. Surely — Xow is the time to tie up with the leader! THE CROSLEY RADIO CORPORATION POWEL CROSLEY, Jr., President CINCINNATI 123 EigJtffc A«., North ERLE HYDE, Inc. —Electrical Appliances WATH HSAISS t organizing this busim i the complete Crosley Starting with a very lisitsd capital, wo nave baen successful in sailing SZO Crosley aelvadors in oar first season, realizing quite a satisfactory net profit oo our sales therefroa. Our Inventory turn-over has keen very rapid and our service expense haa been low. Furtbaraore, our cus— tosars are unlforaly happy ami satisfied, ■"has Crosley first announced tfaa Salvador ] 3T/ experience in 193* as Sales Manager for i Una cade se appreciate still oore the sale; Croslsy. It was hard conpetition. Tie Crosley dealership operate on a bd Crosley gives y t appealed strongly to ae and oospany handling a competitive and profit possibilities with i real opportunity. An < nt, secure fast turn-cvei Just a line - It gives :tlve organization can and sate a real profit, rou a 12 Bontne' bandle competing linos — Tor Crosley covers the field and Crosley acceptance — created by BIS and Crosley advertising — brings sales volune easily and quickly. Kith the splendid cooperation of the Groalay factory and the Gaablll Distributing Conpany, the Croaley wholesalers in this, the 77A territory, we look forward to a substantial increase in our business this next &A ALL MAKES OF EM>Q SEgVCTD July. 1936 71