Radio today (Sept 1935-Dec 1936)

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TODAY'S TRADE TOPICS + Clough-Brengle Co., manufacturer of oscillators, cathode-ray oscillographs, and multi-meters recently moved its factory to 2815 West 19th Street, Chicago. This move was contemplated some time ago for the company has been handicapped by a lack of sufficient space to keep pace with the tremendous growth of its business. In its new home ample facilities are afforded for giving adequate service to the company's clients. + Chas. E. Forrest, managing director of International Radio Co., Ltd., of Sydney, Australia, and Auckland, New Zealand, is now making his yearly visit to the U.S., to connect with any American or Canadian manufacturers desiring representation in his countries. Forrest will be here during July, August and September, has a special interest in Australian manufacture of radio lines, royalty basis. Communications may be addressed care Radio Today. + Transformer Corp of America announces the opening of a new, modern plant at 6 9 Wooster Street, New York City, to make radio and allied products under the Clarion trademark. Company has recently been reorganized; Hubert Shortt, public address engineer, has been elected president and general manager; Frederick H. Skrotzki becomes treasurer and sales manager. + H. C. Abbott, identified with the radio industry for many years, has joined the sales staff of the General Household Utilities Co., Chicago (Grunow Radio Sets and Refrigerators) ; covering southeastern territory including the states of North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, and Eastern Tennessee. + Robert M. Karet, for four years associated with The Radiart Corp., Cleveland, Ohio, in the development of jobber sales, has joined the Utah Radio Products Co., Chicago. He will concentrate on the development of replacement jobbers business. +• Ray G. Olson, formerly connected with the engineering staff of the Zenith Radio Corporation and more recently with the Magnavox Company, has joined the Utah organization to take charge of equipment business with key accounts in Chicago territory. * Triplett Electrical Instrument Co., Bluffton, Ohio, was host last month to its U. S. and Canadian sales representatives at a 4-day sales conference at the Triplett plant. Feature was a preview of new electrical measuring and radio testing equipment. Dr. O. H. Caldwell, editor of "Radio Today," was one of the speakers at the event. 72 •At Leslie F. Muter, president of the Muter Co., Chicago, announced recently the appointment of John R. Scanlan as vice-president and sales manager of the company. Fred Stevens becomes vice-president and western sales manager and will be in a position to offer the company's clientele even more efficient service than heretofore. John R. (Jack) Scanlan needs no introduction to any branch of the radio industry for he has been identified with radio since its inception and has a legion of friends among manufacturers and jobbers. He was for a number of years an executive of the Muter organization and in recent years was general sales manager of the Utah Radio Products Co. It is understood that Muter is planning some very interesting expansion plans which will be announced soon. •k Powel Crosley, Jr., president, Crosley Radio Corp., has bought control of the Cincinnati Reds. Mr. Crosley has been interested in the club for more than two years; this month he exercised an option for purchase of the controlling interest in the Cincinnati Baseball Club Co. ■*• Additional facilities at the Newton, Mass., plant of the Raytheon Production Corp., tube makers, will be in operation by Aug. 1. Important new addition to the huge main plants is now getting carloads of new equipment. * S.S. "Rotterdam" will leave New York Sept. 4th for a 4-day cruise to Nova Scotia, arranged by GE for 2 50 radio dealers and their wives. Gala plans for the summer cruise are under the supervision of D. W. 3Iay, district radio sales manager; all reservations must be in by July 15. * Four new directors have been named for the board of the Magnavox Co., Ltd., Fort Wayne, Ind., from exec positions in the firm. These are Joseph B. Brennan, works mgr. ; J. Irving Cornell, chief engineer; Stanley S. Sondles, sales mgr.; and Frank Freimann, chief of the Electric Acoustic Products Co., a Magnavox subsidiary. + Irving Sarlin, veteran hardhitting radio merchandiser of New York City, has been named as buyer for the radio department of the Ludwig-Bauman chain. + Radio executive from Paris, Yvan Dreyfus, will be in New York City at Hotel New Weston, Madison Ave. at 51st St., beginning July 21. Dreyfus is interested in radio sets, parts, short wave equipment, port able battery sets, microphones, amplifiers, all electrical novelties. * Harbour-Longmire Co., Oklahoma City, furniture store, which ranks third in volume nationally, is now a Croslev dealer. GE FOCUSED TONE NOMINATED BY ACCLAMATION! Focused Tone was nominated unanimously for No. 1 Profit Maker on the first ballot at convention after convention as the G-E Radio Bandwagon triumphantly carried its candidate from coast to coast. ep>° ,G£p .o*rt BOSTON HE* "HI^ELPHIA As Focused Tone was presented to distributors, a tumultous reception greeted the new G-E Radio line at every G-E district headquarters and convention city. *as*iN ,g-t°n ATI-ANTA PITTSBURGH SU^At.o In 48 states, at dealer meetings held shortly after each distributor presentation, Focused Tone swept the day, as dealers poured in an avalanche of orders to assure themselves of PROFITS in the 19361937 radio season. GLEVEUAf TflOlT M, ST LOUIS H m pOF , *N° i SAUT LAKE SAN FRANCISCO *eP Jump on the G-E Radio Bandwagon. Focused Tone has been nominated by dealers everywhere as the biggest profit-making radio line yet! Here's one candidate that's sure to win ! WATCH G-E IN 1936! Radio Today