Radio today (Sept 1935-Dec 1936)

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▲ § ▲ ill Yearly Caldwell-Clements Inc., 480 Lexington Ave. New York City What It Costs Radio at Retail — stores that made profits — average "expense ratios" — lessons from Failures CheckList for Merchants — look your business over — see what your store needs Fights and Radio — effects on receiver sales — tube and service pick-up Sell Sets as "Furniture" — feminine appeal of woods — cabinetry and finish — knowing "period stuff" Servicing the New Lines Merchandising "Sound" Robinson-Patman Quandary What the Manufacturers Offer Oscillator Specifications — At right . . Analysis of 81 profitable radio businesses, showing percentages of sales receipts applicable to various expenses and to profit. See page 14. AUGUST • 1 9 36 •