Radio today (Sept 1935-Dec 1936)

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/Jime tftieat 6kc/ieavue Xgacw&L PARADE ACROSS THE PAGES OF THE SATURDAY EVENIHG POST TO SPEED YOUR "SUCCESS IN THE RADIO BUSINESS" •j&m-ite CenZbDrnalic UNIT r*«s PAUL WH1TEMAN GUY LOMBARDO ERNO RAPEE FRANK BLACK \ CAN-*°* THE trade has already ordered over 4 times as many American-Bosch CentrO-matic Radio sets as a year ago. American-Bosch must have something worthy of your investigation. It certainly has! ... It has the "Automatic Maestro," latest and greatest radio engineering development. It has a market-measured line that embraces every price class. It has the exclusive band-stand baffle, over-size speakers, super-size black dials, woman-captivating cabinets, amazing prices — these and other selling advantages total 24 all-star features that are making American-Bosch CentrOmatic Radio the fastest moving line of the year. And it has the year's outstanding promotions— both in point-of-sale and consumer advertising. National advertising stars great orchestra conductors, to emphasize the role of the "Automatic Maestro." Point-of-sale advertising features Paramount movie stars, living room backgrounds, challenging literature and the most beautiful, sales-compelling demonstration display stand in radio history. American-Bosch is hitting a winning stride — in a big way. You can find greater success in the radio business with American-Bosch. Mail coupon below and learn why. UNITED AMERICAN BOSCH CORP. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. New York, Chicago, Detroit AMERICAN BOSCH UNITED AMERICAN BOSCH CORP. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Dept. RT-8 Please send copy of "Success in the Radio Business" containing complete information about the new American-Bosch line. Name Address .. RADIO TODAY, August, 1936, Vol. II, No. 8, published monthly by Caldwell-CIements, Inc., 480 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. Suscription yearly $1.00 in U. S. and Latin American countries; $1.25 in Canada; $2.00 all other countries; single copy, 15c. Entered as second-class matter 24, 1936, at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Printed in U. S. A. Copyright 1936 by Caldwell-CIements, Inc. J Index to advertisements on page 73