Radio today (Sept 1935-Dec 1936)

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HP&tsie***7*"0* invHQ All-Wave, AllWorld, "Self-Tuning" 12-tube set tubes and "Violin-Shape" Cabinet THERE is no precedent in the radio in«**b dustry for this announcement. No manufacturer of radio sets ever before has announced a policy of concentrated j mass production. Ford did it in the automobile business, Now Grunow does it in radio! Every item in the 1937 line of Grunow | radios will be a price and quality LEADER, The Grunow dealer will be enabled thereby to concentrate on a few fast-selling, strongly advertised sets. Starting immediately, Grunow advertising spotlights attention both on TELEDIAL, the No. 1 radio sensation of the year— the new self-tuning radio that brings in 1 5 stations in 1 5 seconds, perfectly tuned; and on the new, patented "VIOLIN-SHAPED" cabinets which remove the last trace of cabinet resonance, The last word in AllWave, All-World radios, plus TELEDIAL and "VIOLINSHAPED" cabinets! And that's not all the story. Look at the prices. Low price levels never before reached in radio. TELEDIAL sets pnc way down under conventional sets without TELEDIAL. Mail-order-chain, private brand competition stopped cold by then own kind of prices on more attractive "" higher-quality products. Backed by powerful promotion, farnn ^ will write radio history in 1937. Le send you full details of this advanced in radio merchandising. Write today. And SHIRLEY TEMPjjj I Shirley is the Grunow Teledial girl! At the ""^ ■ you read this, the first ads in a smashing n« ^ I zine drive will appear directed to °ve joust* A quality, 11-tube set with Metal tubes, "Violin-Shaped" Cabinet, and ^AllWave, All-World reception at the price of a "Six" promotion which will net hundreds of J^ftaT available to all Grunow dealers, from you Radio Today COM PAN Y GENERAL HOUSEHOLD UTILITIES CHICAGO, ILLINOIS • MARION, INDIANA anufacturers of Grunow Super-Safe Carrene Refrigerator • Grunow Household Radios • Grunow Automobile Radios August, 1936