Radio today (Sept 1935-Dec 1936)

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WHAT THE PUBLIC WANTS IN RECEIVERS Mind of the buyer as revealed by answers to questionnaire *■ FOR several years leading au So Mr. Sterck wrote out a set of Highboy 25% tomobile makers have carefully sound questions. And with the cooperation Armchair 19% ed out public tastes in car equipment, of a national women's radio group Large Conventional ...16% to learn what points particularly in representing women's organizations Horizontal 16% terest prospective buyers. Through totalling 7,000,000 in membership, Lowboy 6% questionnaires, the auto manufactur copies of this questionnaire were sent End Table 6% ers have thus been able to get ad into 15,217 typical American homes. Baby Grand 6% vance hints on effective sales argu Secretary 3% ments for themselves and for their Into 75 277 /lO/TieS Upright 3% dealers. Trends in public taste have n Q . been detected even before they fully A summary of the answers follows. Oonventional _ b^aU ....No vote crystallized. Prom the replies it is apparent that H/i-0^6™ n P^S " " The radio broadcasters have simi the comments expressed represent the _ . ',' ' ' " " ' " " .' larly watched public reaction to their whole cross-section of American fam °*er Stations follow, with sumprograms, and have cooperated with i]y life, and that the women who drew niarles and tne replies: women's clubs and women's commit up the replies, consulted with hus What type of wood finish do you tees in testing out individual family bands, sons and daughters in obtain prefer? Maple? Walnut? Mahogopinions as gathered by the women's ing the answers to the questions any? Other finish? organizations from all parts of tbe asked. Prefer Walnut 60% nation. Such samplings of listening 0ne of thfl most important ques. " Mahogany 22% tastes have resulted in important tions asked in the questionnaire was ■ " MaPle 16% conclusions which have been applied «In yQUr next radi0; whai type of Other (Oak) ... 2% in shaping program policies and in cM,nei W0UU ynu prefer?" Various ' selecting talent. types of consoleS; table models. fur 100% niture models and compacts were il Would a radio cabinet designed as Collect Opinions lustrated. The readers filled in their a definite piece of furniture appeal first, second and third choices. to you, if you could replace the radio Why not apply the same kind of . mechanism 'en it from time h time nnininn-cnlWtino' macbinerv tn o-et Willie certain horizontal models ot . opinion collecting macninery 10 gex as improvements were introduced? at what the public wants — or compacts drew a high vote, the eon 70% Answered Yes "thinks it wants"— in its radio re sole ^roup polled 47% of the total ceivers, asked Thomas R. Sterck, vote of all types of cabinets. Where would you locate an auxil sales promotion manager. Westing Of the 12 radio-set models shown, %ary set in your home. house Radio, New York Citv. 9 were voted on as follows : '*% -Bed room 13% Kitchen MORNING STARS OF WESTERN FARM PROGRAM DEVELOP A DIAL DRAG Tr/ouif Should the tuning dial and control knobs be exposed or concealed? 60% prefer the dial and knobs exposed. Would you prefer a radio with re, '*" 2%. mote-control device? Vt, y. u . 18k 11% prefer remote control. •"i^. ^jC, In your next radio would the size i|||H| of thi speaker influence your pur ■Jfl 4'' llW chase? 'T *™ ' 3m 51% would not be influenced. t W IH aPj i SMI If so. what size speaker would you prefers 30% prefer 10-inch speaker 26% " 14 " ■T.A^_ jmllk 22% " 12 " " 13% " 6 " 9% " 8 " Do you think more than one speaker is needed? 90% No What tones do you prefer to have Stockyards at Kansas City can actually be filled, or emptied, by what market predominate? Bass notes? High advice Phil Evans (left) and Tex Owens give on a.m. features. notes? 16 Radio Today