Radio today (Sept 1935-Dec 1936)

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RADIO MERCHANT'S CHECK-UP CHART VERY GOOD— 75-100 FIRM NAME_ GOOD 60 75 RATING FAIR 50-60 POOR 25 50 ADDRESS XHECK MADE BY. .DATE, Item No. ITEMS TO BE CHECKED Follow Instructions Rating Per Cent NOTES ON CHECK-UP Changes and Improvements To Be Made — Items to Be Watched Date Finished Item No. ITEMS TO BE CHECKED Follow Instructions Rating Per Cent NOTES ON CHECK-UP Changes and Improvements To Be Made — Items to Be Watched Date Finished 1 APPEARANCE Store Front Entrance Window Display Arrangement of Store Arrangement of Stock Fixtures 8 BUYING Purchased Last Month Purchased This Month 9 PRICE EFFICIENCY 10 DELAYS In Ordering Goods In Filling Orders In Placing Goods on Display 2 CLEANLINESS Sidewalk Entrance Store 11 COMPLAINTS Quality of Goods Service Prices 3 LIGHTING Store Front Windows Store 12 DELIVERY Cash and Carry Trucks Delays 4 SIGNS Outside Inside 13 ADVERTISING Local Papers Dodgers Window Store Signs 5 MERCHANDISE Quality Appearance Display Change in Displays 14 TELEPHONE SERVICE 15 ACCOUNTING Accounts Receivable Accounts Payable Credits Collections This Month Collections Last Month Sales This Month Sales Last Month Overhead Expense Bills Mailed Out Mistakes 6 EMPLOYEES Appearance & Neatness Courtesy Interest and Loyalty Co-operation Salesmanship Attendance 7 INVENTORY Turnover Slow Moving Stock Sales Storage Dead Stock TOTAL STORE RATING (Divide Total by 56) * This chart can be used advantageously by any radio dealer who is willing to spend a little time now and then in checking up fundamental factors of his business. The success or failure of the chart is based solely upon the dealer's honesty with himself. If he will carefully check up each and every item in the fifteen divisions, without personal prejudice or bias, and investigate thoroughly the reasons for determining every percentage before he places it on the chart, he will have an accurate, vital analysis of his entire business. However, the dealer should not be satisfied with merely drawing up this chart for his own information and use; copies should also be given to the heads of the various departments whose activities include part of the check up. In turn these department heads should pass along the necessary information to the members of their departments pointing out wherever necessary how and why they have failed to measure up to the desired rating. If each and every individual member of the dealer's organization is kept in close touch with the percentages shown on the chart, there is no question but that this chart will help to increase profits and materially stimulate personnel efficiency. This chart was prepared by Ira J. Owen, for many years a well known administrative and industrial engineer, and now president of the Utah Radio Products Company, Chicago, Mr. Owen, over a period of years, made comprehensive merchandising and industrial surveys for some of the country's largest manufacturers, including Cutler-Hammer, B i s s e 1 1 Carpet Sweeper, Pepsodent, Federal Match Co., Western Electric and Universal Match Co. August, 1936 19