Radio today (Sept 1935-Dec 1936)

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■'3 DOUBLED .±T£P-UP"SMES. * ZrM «■* THESe B,G tew f*° JqUNOWS BNT£KED My knr£ STOJtE/" ^ m& Grttr Kixd of TUBES 'SIZE Slir Of. metal gmsUfprn ™und e G °nsoie SPEAKER ranjouT7^~~ — — ^ _£uoi AND ^£od) Cia«be/-And I'one S^KWC« any HUNDREDS OF DEALERS tell us the same sensational story! "Step-up selling is almost automatic now— since we put the big new Grunows on our floor. Nearly every customer wants to see the TELEDIAL "Twelve" and the Grunow "Eleven" at the price of a six! They "go for" big, powerful sets, 11 and 12 tubes instead of 5 to 7 tubes, big 41 -inch, beautifully grained, walnut consoles, the magic tone of the "Violin-Shaped" cabinets and famous 12-inch Grunow speaker. The instant they see these sensational extra values they decide to spend 50c more a week and own a Grunow. And say — how these extra step-ups increase our profits!" Better get these sensational new Grunows working for you today! GENERAL HOUSEHOLD UTILITIES CO. Chicago, III. • Marion, Ind. Prices Slightly Higher Denver and West \9S Tremendous public interest in TELEDIAL automatic tuning puts TELEDIAL neck and neck in sales with the Grunow "Eleven." Manufacturers of Grunow Super-Safe Carrene Refrigerators Grunow Household Radios • Grunow Automobile Radios NO BETTER TONE AND PERFORMANCE AT ANY PRICE! October, 1936 33