Radio today (Sept 1935-Dec 1936)

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WHOLESALERS AT WORK * Bruno-New York, Inc., distributor for RCA-Victor in New York City, has added W. W. Cone to its sales staff, as representative for the metropolitan area. Cone has had more than 12 years experience as an RCA sales exec, has travelled extensively for Radiotron. Recently he has been in the ad dept. of RCA at Camden. * O. W. Ray, vice-president and general wholesale manager of Times Appliance Co., Fada jobber of New York City, has announced a series of changes in his firm's personnel: Willard Hall, vice-president and assistant sales manager; E. A. Bonneville, refrigeration manager; Henry Stephens, manager, radio appliances and cameras; W. H. Qnigley, advertising manager. Times Appliance has taken on a new line of ranges, known as the Go range. * Dealers of the state of New Mexico were recent guests of the Auto Equipment Co., Emerson wholesaler, Denver, Colo. J. H. Parks, treasurer of the distributing firm, reports unusual attendance and lively interest In the current Emerson promotions. * Ditch, Bowers & Taylor, Inc., Baltimore distributors of AmericanBosch, have a new staff salesman in the person of G. H. Hobler. *■ Nelson P. Wright, for 10 years merchandise manager and buyer for the major appliance department of the May Co., Cleveland, has resigned from that position to become general manager of the Appliance Distributing Co., Columbus, Ohio, succeeding B. A. Morgan. Morgan returns to the Tracey-Wells Co. to do promotional work for that company and its subsidiary, the Arnold Wholesale Corp., Cleveland. * Wholesale Radio Service Co., Inc., New York, has announced a change in advertising agencies. Reiss Advertising, Inc., is the new advertising counsel for Wholesale. * Lively outing for some 300 dealers was held early this month by Beaucaire, Inc., Philco distributors, Rochester, N. Y. Affair was called 8th Annual Beaucaire-Philco Reunion Party, had a parade, a series of sport events, chicken dinner. Philco exec Harry Boyd Brown described "The Gold Rush of 1936" and Frank M. Beaucaire, president of Beaucaire, Inc., distributed prizes for a sales contest. * New jobber signed by Stromberg-Carlson to cover the state of Oregon and the river towns in the state of Washington is the Radio Specialty Co., Portland, Ore. * Ontario Elec. Co., Crosley distributors, Buffalo, N. Y., recently staged a take-off on the New York Radio Exposition at a local show of their own. About 500 dealers and salesmen were there for the presentation of the new lines. Ontario's officials on the program were J. L. Block, general manager, and George Eckel, promotion manager. Crosley representatives present were Neil Bauer, assistant sales manager, and Jack Allen, district manager. Can you sell ^§| ALL 4? i— 'AN you meet any customer's demands? You can with the ARCTURUS Line! For ARCTURUS gives you ALL 4: the Glass Tube; the "G" Tube; Coronet — "the perfected Metal Tube"; and the Coronet for replacing glass tubes. Each is a leader in its field — a tube you can rely on for performance and generous profits. The company that has pioneered 7 of the 8 fundamental developments in a.c. tubes — ARCTURUS — alone provides a 4-way sales and profit set-up! See your Arcturus Jobber or write today for full details of this 4-way profit line. ARCTURUS RADIO TUBE CO., NEWARK. N. J. CORONET THE PERFECTED METAL TUBE ARCTURUS GLASS— "G" CORONET— The Perfected Metal RADIO TUBES CORONET TO REPLACE OLD GLASS TUBES Hand Calibrated A finer Oscillator at a lower price! CLOUGH-BRENGLE MODEL OC ONLY $2995 CASH $450 DOWN The world's most popular radio test instrument now offered in a new 1937 version, designed especially for work in short-wave. 25-INCH TUNING DIAL— plus hand calibration against crystal standards allows a guaranteed accuracy within >/2 ol 1 % AT EVERY FREQUENCY from 100 kc to 30 me. STEPLESS DUAL ATTENUATOR— Provides smooth variation of output voltage from maximum to less than Vz microvolt. NEW ISOLATED LINE-FILTER — Triple shielding plus elaborate radio Frequency filters is employed to eliminate any trace of line feedback, once impossible to eliminate. BATTERY OR LINE OPERATED MODELS —The MODEL OC-A for 110 volt 50-60 cycle line (25 cycle and 220 volt models available), the MODEL OC-B for 110 volt a.c.-d.c, and MODEL OD-A from self-contained batteries. Write for new descriptive bulletin. Mail Coupon for 1937 Catalog . The CLOUGH-BRENGLE CO. | 2827 W. 19th St., Chicago, U. S. A. October, 1936 67