Radio today (Sept 1935-Dec 1936)

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^^^ THE RADIO WITH PLENTY OF SALES AMMUNITION A sensation from coast to coast. Everywhere folks are saying "good-bye to back-benders . . . give me a tilt-tuner!" And no wonder . . . standing or sitting it's the easy way to tune. Most beautiful ever designed. Dial figures in large, easy-to-read gold letters on translucent blue black background. New gold escutcheon plate. Nothing like it! Accelerating "fly-wheel" gives split-second tuning with a "flick" of the finger. 5 seconds . . . instead of the usual 20 or 30 seconds . . . to go from 540 KC to 18,000 KC. Cathode-ray or miniature x-ray tube permits you to "see" when your set is perfectly in tune. Acts like a station "stop-light." Just like looking at your watch and noting the time. Instead of logging in kilocycles, etc., let the pointers "tell-the-time." Small, conventional pointer acts as "hour" hand; special larger pointer serves as "minute" hand. ADMIRAL MODEL AM786 11 TUBE CONSOLER Meets all competition, and then some! 3 continuous all-wave bands (540 to 18,000 KC) . . . simplified tuning control (see above) . . . full floating 3 gang condenser . . . automatic volume control . . . hi-gain superheterodyne circuit with 3 stages of amplification . . . absolute 2 microvolt sensitivity . . . built-in filter . . . automatic antenna tuning . . . completely shielded circuits . . . push-pull high fidelity audio system . . . 7% watts of clear undistorted power output . . . variable tone control ... 12" heavy duty, plug-in super-dynamic auditorium type speaker . . . beautiful, tone-seasoned, trouble-free cabinet.