Radio today (Sept 1935-Dec 1936)

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THE POWE ORANY OTHER RADIO SELLING UNDER $|QQ°° WHY MULTI-TUBE RADIOS? TO GIVE POWER! THIS ADMIRAL RADIO ... UNDER $1 00 . . . GIVES 13 WATTS OF UNDISTORTED POWER Why build a radio with a lot of tubes if you don't get the most out of them? Admiral "shoots the works"! Compare for yourself! Gives twice the power output of any other radio under $100! And that's not all! Take a look at other sales ammunition on the opposite page: tilt-tuning, 11 oval dial, "finger-flick" station selector, visual station indicator, minute hand for clocklike logging, etc. It's one of the few radios in its price class with automatic tone control and beam power push-pull output stage using 2 6L6 beam power amplifiers. Housed in beautiful, walnut tilt-tuning console. Model AM488 — $99.50 List. A Complete Line — Admiral offers a complete line for home, farm and auto . . . AC, AC-DC, Battery and Auto ... 16 models ... 4 to 19 tubes . . . 540 to 18,000 KC . . . $19.95 to $175.00 . . . the biggest value in radio today. MODEL AM 786 CONTINENTAL RADIO & TELEVISION CORP. 325 W. Huron St., Chicago, III. • MAIL COUPON TODAY • Our new booklet gives detailed specifications covering all the new Admiral Models. Mail this coupon for your free copy today. There is no obligation. Send to Continental Radio & Television Corp., 325 W. Huron St., Chicago. Name _ Address