Radio today (Sept 1935-Dec 1936)

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A Complete Line of Complete P.A. Systems U.S.E.'s Systems are built around rugged high fidelity Amplifiers, featuring latest developments and design. Everything from 10 watts to 240 watts output. Reasonably priced. • Write for No. 106 catalog. • I Get the U.5.E. proposition tori handling this line in your territory I SERVICE DATA (From page 44) each red lamp as through each green lamp. However, if we were to short out the green lights, the entire lamp voltage supply would be applied to the red lights with the exception of a small drop across the 15 ohm series resistor. The reactance (AC resistance) of the reactor secondary across the green lamps is some 500 ohms with no current in the primary. This is so high as to be negligible. However, as the current increases in the primary, the reactance gradually decreases to approximately 25 ohms. In the first case, the 500 ohms across the green lamp has no appreciable effect. In the second case, the 25 ohms is so low as to practically short circuit the green bulbs with a resultant increase in red illumination. For intermediate values of current, the secondary offers a partial shunt only and the green lights are somewhat decreased in brilliance while the red lights are somewhat increased. The current in the primary is simply the plate current of the tube connected to it. This tube has a rather low initial bias which is fur nished by the cathode resistor. This low bias results in comparatively high plate current and the reactor is almost completely saturated. We found that this caused the green lamps to be shorted and the red lamps to be brightly lighted. This is the condition which exists when the reciver is not tuned to a signal and ho AVC voltage is being developed. As a signal is tuned in, the AVC voltage builds up and is applied to the control tube. This increased negative bias decreased the plate current. We found a decreased plate current resulted in less saturation of the reactor and consequently less shunting effect across the green lamp so that they were permitted to approach the brightly lighted condition with consequent dimming of the red lamps. ' (To page 49) FREE' TRANSFORMER REPLACEMENT GUIDE Don't hunt through page after page of catalogs for the right transformer for that replacement job — all the information is here, in the STANC0R complete, exact duplicate replacement guide — listing the right transformer for any receiver. It's FREE. As many copies as you need are available on request. Just pin this ad to your letterhead and the number of copies you reouest will be mailed to you at once. TRANSFORMERS IT'S GOOD BUSINESS TO USE "* STANCOR TRANSFORMERS • If we could take you through the STANCOR Factory, the most modern and scientifically equipped transformer plant in the radio industry — if you could see with what painstaking care every operation is carried out — you would readily be convinced that the STANCOR claim for superiority is more than an idle boast. The performance of Stancor Transformers and the customer satisfaction they build, is causing more and more service men and dealers to use Stancor products exclusively. Your jobber carries them in stock. Standard Transformer Corp. 852 Blackhawk Street Chicago, Illinois 46 Radio Today