TV Radio Mirror (Jan - Jun 1963)

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r TOMMY SANDS W' 1 0 An airman third class in the 452nd Troop Carrier Wing, Tommy put in his two weeks at the same time as Dave . . . and was glad to see a familiar face. Like Dave, he'd also left a wife behind, Nancy Sinatra Jr., but no babiesyet. Tommy found that when the Air Force says "active duty" that's exactly what they mean. They roll us out of bed early, he told Nancy, even earlier than a morning call at a movie studio. Every day has to count toward making a year-round civilian into a trained soldier. Hk , •"'■"'-' m ■"•'-"■"-.'-•--. a i v :>■:.'-!■ Tommy meets the crew of a C-119, begins dreaming of the wild blue yonder— until they ground him behind a typewriter. More like it, he finally gets his chance at piloting one of the big ones.