TV Radio Mirror (Jan - Jun 1955)

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LORENZO JONES (Continued) i As she urges, Lorenzo joins Gail in asking Basil Dunbar's 3. Sail Maddox— siding with Phoebe, whom she thinks she can persuade to free Lorenzo to marry her tells Lorenzo that Belle means only unhappiness for them all. despair as she finds herself thwarted in her every effort to find proof of their marriage or to recall those oncehappy days to Lorenzo. She is heartsick when she thinks of the ever-increasing evidence Phoebe Larkins has presented to support her own claim of having been married to Lorenzo at a time when he called himself Jerry Lorenz! The evidence which haunts Lorenzo most— and which Belle has found no way to discredit— is the fiveyear-old child, Gloria, who Phoebe insists is the daughter of her marriage to Lorenzo. Phoebe has found an ally in the young scientist, Gail Maddox. Lorenzo had met Gail after he lost his memory help in persuading Belle to return to New York. 5. Unsuspected by all except Belle herself, Roger Caxton and Phoebe Larkins have united in a scheme to rob Dunbar's Queen Charlotte Mines — in such a way that Lorenzo himself will seem guilty of the crime. and had become engaged to her. As two women— whom he cannot remember — both claim to be his wife, Lorenzo is uncertain and unhappy. Gail Maddox is the only woman with whom he can remember being in love. Gail herself has preferred to believe that Phoebe is Lorenzo's real wife. She is hopeful that one day she can convince Phoebe to divorce Lorenzo, thereby making him free to marry her. With this in mind, Gail has opposed Belle, declaring that Belle has brought only unhappiness to all of them. She urged Belle to return to New York and even pleaded with Lorenzo to send Belle away. Believing himself in love with Gail, Lorenzo had accompanied her on a visit to Basil Dunbar — his employer at the Queen Charlotte Mines — for the purpose of asking help in convincing Belle to return to New York. As Belle struggled hopelessly to convince Lorenzo that Phoebe Larkins was not his wife, Phoebe struck still another blow. Roger Caxton appeared on the scene with a letter of introduction to Basil Dunbar. Roger presented himself as being interested in studying . the mines. Upon meeting Phoebe and Lorenzo, Roger showed immediate recognition and claimed he had met them before in Kansas City when Lorenzo — as Jerry Lorenz — had been married to Phoebe. See Next Page ►