TV Radio Mirror (Jan - Jun 1955)

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Bob Rockwell (Continued from page 46) "I was living in an apartment with a couple of other fellows," says Bob, "and we double-dated. At the time, Betts lived in a girls' dormitory — but we were so disinterested in each other, I didn't even know which one! "In our second semester, we moved into the same boarding-house. As neighbors, we couldn't help getting to know one another." However, Betts herself reports that they almost didn't get together: "On a doubledate, I saw a picture of another girl in his wallet," she says. "I asked him who it was. 'The apple of my eye,' he reported. "Well, all the girls were crazy about Bob, anyway, so I gave him up, and started going with his best friend. Then, during the six months in the boarding-house, I learned that the girl in the wallet was his sister. After that, he didn't have a chance!" Bob says: "Our romance was a growing thing. No lightning or earthquakes. During those six months, I didn't stop to analyze what was happening. I didn't say, for example, 'This is the gal for me' ... or 'This gal has talent' ... or 'She has all the rare qualities. . . .' No sir, nothing like that. But suddenly, one day, it popped into my head: 'Boy, you're crazy if you let this gal get off the hook!' "That night we took a walk up the treelined hill in back of the campus. We both loved the outdoors and walking, and we had been up there a few times before. I don't remember exactly what I said. But I remember the picture in my mind: The stars were shining down, and the lights of Passdena were bouncing off the hills in back of us ... I stuttered and stammered a bit, in time with the blinking neon signs ... I said, 'I-would-very-much-like-tobe married to you, and what do you thi^k-of-that!" "Her answer was yes. "I wasn't prepared for marriage— but are bachelors ever prepared for marriage? At any rate, Betts seemed very happy with the situation. We intended to elope, but decided it wouldn't be fair to our families. "Betts is an only child. Her parents were in Denver, and she had always wanted a big wedding . . . my mother — who was widowed when I was five — and my two sisters would all have been distraught if we hadn't had them at the ceremony . . . so we decided against the elopement. "We decided to wait for the first opportunity. Since I had to go into the Navy then, the 'first opportunity' had to wait six months! We are glad we waited, for we were able to arrange the ceremony just as Betts had dreamed it." Bob had been in the Navy as a yeoman — stationed in Washington, D.C. — for six months, before he got up enough nerve to ask his commanding officer for five days off to be married. (Continued on page 86) One Nation Under God "Today you are betting your life on this country you live in. If we want to win the prize of national strength and security we've got to work together. Let's respect each other's race and color and creed. Let's make Brotherhood Week last all year." — Groueho Marx BROTHERHOOD WEEK February 20-27 Are you THE WOMAN THAT NOBODY SEES? Look YOUNGER, LOVELIER Have a new personality. attention. .. new thrills... xestue color in your HAIR will put COLOR in your LIFE! NESTLE COLORINSE brings OUT all the hidden beauty of your hair instantly . . . intensifies its natural color ! Wonderful, easyto-use Nestle Colorinse adds glamorous color-highlights . . . gives your hair a glorious sheen . . . makes it softer, silkier, easier to comb. Rinses in . . . shampoos out! 12 lovely colors. 6 rinses 25^, 14 rinses 50^. NESTLE COE.ORTINT COLORS DEEPLY— it's more than a rinse but not a permanent dye! So easy-to-use . . . Nestle Colortint gives you the glamorous new shade you yearn for . . . hides gray hairs, blendsin all streaked, bleached or previously dyed hair. No ammonia, no peroxide but esters of Lanolin to condition your hair as it colors. 10 beautiful shades. 6 capsules 29^, 14 capsules 50#. Ask for professional applications at your beauty shop handling (2 photos for 25<). Rush to: HOLLYWOOD FILM STAR CENTER Box 2309, Depl. l_-3, Hollywood 28, California 1 ' !'' ' WOMSH 0HI< If you need more money... Up to $5 hour demonstrating Famous Hollywood Cosmetics, your neighborhood. Free Samples and details «i otTjifMrj* supplied. Write to: Guaranteed by*^\ HARRY TAYLOR, Pres. Good Housekeeping ) ., ,?&&«> Gir|"*„ »ss*/ Hollywood Cosmetic ' ^Glendale, Calif., DepLTS-35 IF YOU LIKE TO DRAW SKETCH OR PAINT... You may have talent that could earn you $75 to $500 weekly! Trained artists are needed. See if your talent is worth training. Take the famous Art Talent Test, at home, alone, in spare time. Developed by world's greatest home study art school, it's helped thousands toward art careers. No fee or obligation.This coupon brings it. Write today! ART INSTRUCTION. INC., studio 2395 500 S. 4th St., Minneapolis 15, Minn. Please send me your Free Talent Test. (PLEASE PRINT) OCCUPATION. 85