TV Radio Mirror (Jan - Jun 1955)

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that's all that matters." And, for the record, that's all of his official attitude toward the marriage. He gave them their first supper after the wedding, and is still her manager. On the afternoon that Martha called Nick in and asked him to arrange her divorce papers, she also insisted that he draw up a legal contract of management. "I don't need papers with you, baby," Nick said, but she was adamant. "I don't get it," he said. "With these papers you get rid of me, and with these you get me to stick around." "It's the way I want it," she said. So that's the way it was. The story of the Bimini episode, so garbled by many newspapers, is simply just the kind of thing that happens occasionally to great stars (as Nick explains it) because part of the public considers a famous public personality fair game. Martha and Ed, on vacation in Miami, had accepted the invitation of some old friends to board their yacht and go fishing off Bimini, in the Bahamas. After a radiant day at sea, they put into Bimini for dinner and afterwards went to one of the local night clubs where a famous Calypso band was holding forth. "If you know Bimini," Nick said, "you remember it's just a street that peters out at either end and has a small town clustered around the center. Well, this place was the best and biggest place in town. And you know Martha, too. She went for the Calypso singing in a big way. Decided to buy the singers each a beer and take it over to them herself. Got this big tray loaded with beers at the bar, and started back for the other room. "And there in the doorway, leaning on the bar and blocking the entrance with his back, was a big guy. Martha said, 'Say hey, could I get by, please?' The guy ignored her." I said, "Ignored Martha? Hoo boy!" "So help me, all she did was nudge him with the tray, easy so as not to spill the beer, and say, 'Look, can I please get by?' "At this, the man straightened up, made a short speech about American stars who thought they could push people around, and then he hit her over the head with the bottle. Fortunately, it broke, because otherwise — "The guy was standing there with half the broken bottle in his hand," Nick said. "Her friends rushed up and grabbed him. That's the story. And of course we're suing — I've got affidavits from a whole lot of people that that's how it was. The publicity was bad and Martha's public has a right to know the truth." I know that this story adds up to a pretty mixed portrait of Martha Raye as she is today (oops! I mean as at the time of this -writing). It's mixed because I got it directly from the girl herself and the two men closest to her. And all three have a slightly different point of view about the girl. That's not hard to understand. Martha is many girls wrapped up in one small dynamo of a body. She is an explosion of talent and courage and heart, and sometimes that gets her into trouble. And she is a sentimental woman (and mother) who truly wants, most of the time, a quiet home life in a quiet house in Connecticut, with an understanding husband and a loving daughter to come visiting from school on weekends. No one would ever try to predict Martha's future — except that, from every indication, she's headed for continued stardom. But everyone surely wishes her a great big share of the best in the world — because she has earned it with might and main. 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