TV Radio Mirror (Jan - Jun 1955)

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T V 1 14 Only Bobbi is specially designed to give the softly feminine wave needed for this new "Bewitching" hairdo. No nightly settings necessary. Only softly feminine hairstyles here because these hairdos were made with Bobbi, the special pin-curl permanent— never tight, never fussy These pictures show — better than we can tell — the softly feminine curls and waves you get with a Bobbi Pin-Curl Permanent. A Bobbi is specially designed to look soft and natural from the very first day. A Bobbi gives your* hair the beauty, the body, the soft, lovely look; of naturally wavy hair. Your curls and waves are exactly where you want them. And they stay there week after week after week. Just put your hair in pin-curls. Apply Bobbi's Special Creme Oil Lotion. A little later, rinse with water. Let dry, brush out. ..that's all. If you love softly feminine hairdos, then Bobbi is the pin-curl permanent for you. New 20-Page Hairstyle Booklet. Easy-to-follow setting instructions for new softly feminine hairstyles. Hints! Tips! Send your name, address with 10c in coin to: Bobbi, Box 3600, Merchandise Mart, Chicago, Illinois. Just pin-curls and Bobbi. No separate neutralizes no curlers, no resetting. Everything you need — New Cremc Oil Lotion, special bobbi pins. #1.50 plus tax. With Bobbi you get waves exacdy where you want them, the way you want them. Notice the easy, gentle look of this new ""Sunrise" hairdo. T Bobbi is made especially to give young, free and easy hairstyles like this ""Rosebud" hairdo. And the curl is there to stay — in all kinds of weather. Soft, Natural right from the start. . .that's the ""Sea Breeze" hairstyle after an easy Bobbi. A Bobbi Pin-Curl Permanent is so easy, no help is needed.