TV Radio Mirror (Jan - Jun 1955)

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"REGULAR" HEIGHT ^QC "EXTRA PLUMP" ZL95 usually 5.95 ■ usually 7.95 ^ "KING SIZE" O95 usually 9.95 ^ PLUMP SAVINGS ON PLUMP PLAVTEX9(^) PILLOWS Every pillow first-quality. Every pillow made the Playtex way, of whipped foam latex. Always plump, always cool, permanently non-aller genie. Save now — while savings are plump — while you can afford to modernize every bed in your house with PLA'J 1 'EX "HEART REST" PILLOWS. They're the best buy in the world even at regular prices — a must buy at our Ma> \\ bite Sale reductions/ Remember, you're not buying just pillows— you're buying sleep — deep, cool, restful, healthful sleep . . . the kind only Playtex know how to build into a pillow. Every pillow is zipper-covered in extra-lino sanforized cotton with corded edges. E\ery one is period— first quality. ©19=5 International Latex Corp'n. . . . PLAYTEX PARK . . . Dover Del 19