TV Radio Mirror (Jan - Jun 1955)

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Replies From Survey Reveal: 9 Ml 01 1© NURSES swisiDOUCHINfi"™ ZONITE FDR FEMININE HYGIENE 22 What Greater Assurance Can a Bride-to-be or Married Woman Have Women who value true married happiness and physical charm know how essential a cleansing, antiseptic and deodorizing douche is for intimate feminine cleanliness and after monthly periods. Douching has become such a part of the modern way of life an additional survey showed that of the married women who replied: 83.3% douche after monthly periods. 86.5% at other times. So many women are benefiting by this sanitary practice — why deny yourself? What greater "peace of mind" can a woman have than to know zonite is so highly regarded among nurses for the douche? ZONITE's Many Advantages Scientific tests proved no other type liquid antiseptic-germicide for the douche of all those tested is so powerfully effective yet safe to body tissues as zonite. It's positively nonpoisonous, non-irritating. You can use zonite as often as needed without the slightest risk of injury. A zonite douche immediately washes away odor-causing deposits. It completely deodorizes. Leaves you with a sense of well-being and confidence. Inexpensive. Costs only a few pennies per douche. Use as directed. ZONITE— The Ideal "ALL-PURPOSE" Antiseptic-Germicide New Patterns for You 4714 SIZES 34-48 9048— This gay casual wraps and ties. Slip into it in a jiffy. Opens flat for ironing. Use colorful rickrack trimming. Misses' Sizes 12-20. Size 16 takes 4% yards 35-inch fabric. 350 9068 — Cool, scooped-neck dress plus cover-up bolero makes an outfit you'll wear everywhere. Misses' Sizes 12-20; 40. Size 16 dress, 41/4 yards 35-inch fabric; bolero requires 1% yards. 350 4714 — Full-cut to flatter the larger figure. Note extra-wide bodice straps, builtup backs to conceal bra. Women's Sizes 3448. Size 36 blouse and skirt, 4V4 yards 35inch fabric; bra and shorts, 2% yards. 350 Send thirty-five cents (in coins) for each pattern to: TV RADIO MlRROR, Pattern Department, P. O. Box 137, Old Chelsea Station, New York 11, New York. Add five cents for each pattern for first-class mailing.