TV Radio Mirror (Jan - Jun 1955)

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mother and daughter make a hit... in dresses dyedalike with No need to spend big money to have those appealing mother-and-daughter outfits you see in the stores. Any simple dress of yours can be a twin to "Susie's" when they're dyed to match . . . with Rit. It's so easy, such fun, lots of mothers are even tinting little slips and panties to match their own Rit-colored nylon underthings! All Purpose The finest dye . the high concentrate dye . and only W 24 Also available in Canada RIT PRODUCTS CORPORATION 1437 W. Morris St., Indianapolis 6 ime Diary All programs are heard Monday through Friday; consult local papers for time and station. BACKSTAGE WIFE Actor Larry Noble now knows something of the despair to which his wife Mary had been driven through his association with Elise Shepherd, for in her efforts to develop interests of her own Mary has become strangely entangled with film producer Malcolm Devereaux. At first drawn to Mary by her possibilities as a film star, Devereaux now knows he is in love with her. And Larry believes the worst. NBC Radio. THE BRIGHTER BAY Even if his son had not fallen in love with Sandra, Reverend Richard Dennis would have taken a great interest in the man who followed Sandra to New Hope, for he sensed from the first that Robert Ralston was a thoroughly evil man. Ralston's murder increases Dr. Dennis' concern, for he cannot stand by and see innocent people suffering from the aftermath of such a wicked life. Will he endanger himself for justice? CBS-TV and CBS Radio. CONCERNING MISS MARLOWE The breakdown of Kit Christy throws Maggie Marlowe's life into an emotional turmoil. If the girl is her daughter, can she ever love her again — and if she is not, can she ever be free of responsibility for her? Struggling to find the truth, Maggie counts heavily on Jim Gavin's help, not suspecting how badly Jim is crippled by the emotional demands left over from his past and his family ties. NBC-TV. THE BOCTOR'S WIFE A rising young doctor like Dan Palmer needs an attractive, intelligent wife — but does he need one who has been called "remarkable" by some of the town's most important men? If Julie gets a reputation for being too clever, will Dan's career suffer? Or will she be able, as she was in the case of the children's hospital, to maneuver so tactfully behind the scenes that she wins her goal without stepping on toes? NBC Radio. FIRST LOVE Having weathered the first, almost fatal, storm of her married life, Laurie has made certain plans and promises to herself about the future. She knows that Zach will always be difficult to live with, and she feels strong enough now to make all the adjustments she once disdained. But is there a trial waiting for Laurie which she could not possibly have anticipated? NBC-TV. THE GREATEST GIFT Dr. Eve Allen finds it hard to know how best to help her troubled younger sister, whose broken marriage and serious drinking problem leave small hope for her future. And through Fran a new complication may affect Eve's professional life, for Ned Blackman appears to be something besides an attractive, understanding, tolerant man. What is his connection with the eager young couple who want a baby? NBC-TV. THE GUIBING LIGHT Despite the tragic mistakes she has already made, Kathy is young enough to profit by the important truth she realized when her exhusband, Dr. Dick Grant, disappeared. Recognizing she still loves him has kept Kathy from deceiving herself into a false romance with Dr. Kelly. But, far away, Dick tries to launch a new life and inevitably makes new contacts that may become very important to him. CBS-TV and CBS Radio. HAWKINS FALLS The only important thing wrong with life in a small town is that one knows too much about one's neighbors, and vice versa. Lona and her husband Dr. Floyd Corey haven't had too many secrets to keep from their friends, but sometimes they would be glad if a doctor's work didn't almost force him to carry around the secrets of others. Is one of these secrets working up to a problem for them? NBC-TV. HILLTOP HOUSE Julie's husband, Reed Nixon, is a successful business man, and he sees nothing wrong in agreeing with Julie's cousin Nina that her husband Dr. Jeff Browning will have to put up a bigger front if he expects to become a successful specialist. Julie is concerned over Reed's inadvertent interference in the Brownings' affairs, but she may have to interfere herself to keep Nina from a drastic mistake. CBS Radio.