TV Radio Mirror (Jul - Dec 1962)

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In particular, there is an amusing grouping of chubby porcelain monks. Biblical scenes are set into the frame of their large picture window, and these are changed frequently "so that we don't take them for granted and stop looking." This from Bill, who is convinced that pictures and sculptures are "reminders of our beliefs and our duty to God." Some time ago, one of the girls mischievously added several African masks to their backyard "arrangement," which has for its centerpiece the Virgin Mother surrounded by foliage and a waterfall. "We showed it to Monsignor Wade when he visited here," Sis laughs, "and he turned our GEORGE MAHARIS (Continued from page 62) the turnpike. The story's right there, on the records . . . and perhaps some of it is inevitable, with a huge but close-knit family of cast and crew — a real family kind of family, when school's out and some thirty wives and sixty children, join the caravan — all traveling from one end of the country to the other. Together, they've covered tens of thousands of miles, put more than sixty shows — and cities — behind them. ... A lot can happen in that time and space. A lot more than an early press release predicted: "The show stems from a desire to present a more complete picture of contemporary America authentically and realistically. Many of the cities and towns where the show will be shot have undergone tremendous improvements and face-changing in the past decade and the episodes will help acquaint and update TV viewers with the improvements of our country. . . ." Brother, they've undergone more than the most daring City Fathers ever dreamed! Says George himself: "That writer should go on tour with us. Maybe the viewers are learning a lot about our country, but I'm not at all sure the people in the towns we've shot in know where they are any more. "You know, we never use sets and we try to get the true feeling and atmosphere of whatever we're shooting. One night, we were doing a scene in a hospital in Philadelphia, and we darn near caused a real-life heart attack. A relative of one of the patients walked into what had been his brother's room — and there was a body on the bed completely covered by a sheet. "The poor guy fainted dead away. He'd slipped past before anyone could tell him his brother had changed rooms with a bunch of actors and a dummy. "We've moved into small towns and changed the entire Main Street," George continues. "One time, during the night, the art boys converted the only bank in town to look like another building — man, let me tell you, the holy devil broke loose the next day! The bank directors had given us the go-ahead sign, but the local citizens didn't know what was going on. "At nine o'clock the next morning, kidding right back on us. He said, 'You Lennons have it made. What the Virgin Mother won't do for you, the witch doctors will take care of.' " Thus the Lennon Sisters and their family move through the sophisticated world of show business — with an intense dedication to the things of God . . . with pleasure in their devotions and prayers . . . with tolerance for the convictions of others . . . and with a touch of humor toward their own observance. — Eunice Field The Lennon Sisters sing on "The Lawrence Welk Show," seen on ABC-TV, Saturdays, from 9 to 10 p.m. edt. iiilHiiirniiiinii, folks were walking up to their bank to make deposits or withdraw money, and what did they see? No bank. The local paper had to put out a special edition to explain what was happening — but not before a lot of depositors had decided their bank president had most likely skipped town with their life savings." That was one town with one bank. But let George tell you what he and his cohorts did to the city of Philadelphia itself. "We had to change the hands on the big Ben Franklin clock that's a landmark there," he recalls. "Turned it back from midnight to ten o'clock, to fit our story. "I think I can truthfully say," says this truthful though high-spirited traveler, "Philadelphia will never forget us. The police department, broadcasting stations and newspapers were flooded with calls. And half the people in town were late to work, next day. "One guy lost his job and we had to write a letter to his boss explaining what had happened, before he was rehired. How were we to know that everyone in town set their watches by that clock? Or that it hadn't been wrong in something like a hundred years?" Like to get your house redecorated free? Landlords, line up at the left — tenants, run for your lives — while George tells the sad tale: "One time, Red McCormack, our art director, completely redid the outside of a little cottage. He got permission from the guy who owned the place and who rented it to a family which was away on vacation. "They put up fake windows over the original ones, painted the front door, placed shrubs around the front, even built window boxes with flowers and plants. When we finished shooting the scene, the owner asked Big Red to leave everything the way it was. He liked the new appearance. Home sweet hangover "Unfortunately, the guy who rented the place didn't feel the same way! When he returned from his vacation, he couldn't even find his own house. It unnerved him so, he went to the nearest bar and got clobbered." Hangover or no hangover, there's never been a real complaint from any city Maharis & Co. have visited. Certainly not from any of the local citizens FINISH HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME • Better Jobs • Better Pay • More Security Without a high school diploma, it's really hard to land a choice job with good money and a real future. 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