TV Radio Mirror (Jul - Dec 1962)

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PERIODIC PAIN Every month functional menstrual distress had Donna feeling miserable. Now she just takes MiDOLand goes her way in comfort because M idol tablets contain: • An exclusive anti-spasmodic that Stops Cramping... • Medically-approved ingredients that Relieve Headache and Backache... Calm Jumpy Nerves... • A special, mood-brightening medication that Chases ''Blues." ^^ "WHAT WOMEN WANT TO KNOW" ^/ ^ FREE! Frank, revealing 32-page book, explains womanhood's most common physical problems. «»•"•»-»» I #«***" ***««*3 /e$*^ fe\ *'-~" "'-4 \,bq&> ft/ Which Twin Has the Doctor? JPTio w £/ie one m>i£^ f^e ZioiVi brother? Vincent Edwards (Ben Casey) or Richard Chamberlain (Dr. Kildare) ? What is his occupation? N.W., Berlin, Pa. There's only one Dick Chamberlain. Vince has the twin. His name is Bob and he's a bus driver. For a full-length story on Vince Edwards, turn to page 34.— Ed. Mystery Man There is a very handsome man on "Sing Along with Mitch." He's one of the singalongers, in his early fifties, I guess, very distinguished-looking with a white mustache. Who is he? Is he British? M.U., New York, N.Y. Adrian Revere was born in Minneapolis 55 years ago. He lives in Deep River, Connecticut, now, with his wife Margaret and son Karl, 32. You may have seen Adrian also in magazine ads, because he occasionally models for them. His favorite job, however, is singing-along. — Ed. Here's Rowdy / would like very much if you would tell me something about Clint Eastwood, who plays Rowdy Yates on "Rawhide." I enjoy your magazine very much. J.P., Holmes, N.Y. Clint is 6' 4", weights 194, was born in San Francisco, May 31, 1930. He attended Oakland Technical High School and after graduation didn't know what career to follow. He tried lumber jacking while he made up his mind — until he was drafted in 1951. His job in the Army was teaching swimming and survival courses. A movie was filmed while he was at Fort Ord, California, and director suggested he start thinking seriously about acting. Back in civvies, he enrolled in the drama course at Los Angeles City College and met a co-ed from the University of California, Maggie Johnson. They were married in 1954. Clint likes everything about his co-starring role in "Rawhide" — except the long hair and the sideburns. — Ed. Calling All Fans The following fan clubs invite new members. If you are interested, write to address given — not to TV Radio Mirror. Richard Hayes Fan Club, Patti Burch, 5537 Ardleigh Street, Philadelphia 38, Pa. Elvis Presley Fan Club, Lynn Huggins, Route 2, Staton, Tenn. Carol Burnett Fan Club, Diane Devino, 11 Martin Street, Waterbury 6, Conn. Brian Keith Fan Club, June Denning, 1305 Nolan, Corpus Christi, Texas. Johnny Mathis Fan Club, Michael Barone, 1116 Mifflin Street, Philadelphia 48, Pa. Some Quickies / would like to ask you where could I write to the Bonanza cast. B.G., Dearborn, Mich. Write them in care of NBC, 3000 West Alameda Blvd., Burbank, Calif. —Ed. How old is Carol Burnett? V.L.G., Paris, III. Carol may not like our telling, but she was 28 in April. — Ed. Write to Information Booth, TV Radio Mirror, 205 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N. Y. We regret we cannot answer or return unpublished letters.