TV Radio Mirror (Jul - Dec 1962)

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Limited Time FREE OFFER! ur free hook on the Home Method of Developing Lege mailed in plain wrapper, without obligation"; I :. me and address. MODERN METHODS DePt. sl-223 286 BROADWAY NEW V0RK CITy f FREE BOOK DONNA REED (Continued from page 35) for her "mistake" in returning to the acting career she also loves. It wasn't easy. But, determined to be with them as much as possible, she arranged her work schedule accordingly. It didn't demand her being at the studio every day and, when she did go, she saw to it that she had time with them in the morning before she left for work, got home in time to have dinner with them — and to get the baby ready for bed. Nevertheless, that first year, Donna found herself praying that the option wouldn't be picked up — so she would be able to stay home. It wasn't until about eighteen months later that she found the energy and strength to do both her jobs, as mother and actress, in the way she felt she had to do them. About that time, she also realized that her children were not suffering from her absence . . . that they were all welldisciplined, happy, out-going. The three older children, of course, have always been interested in "The Donna Reed Show." From the start, they've watched eagerly — and are very astute critics of the things Donna does in it as a mother ! Both Donna and Tony have been firmly against permissive parents. They believe strongly in discipline. "I learned long ago," Donna observes, "that no mother can always be pleasant. She must hand out discipline. My children know how I feel about obedience and respect and things like that ... so, in a couple of instances when they have felt that, on the show, I've gone against what I really believe, they have raised some serious objections. "In one episode, Jeff — Paul Petersen, of course — had misbehaved and I kept insisting that his father take corrective steps. Finally, Alex moved in like the disciplining father and then, according to the script, I was supposed to say, 'Maybe I'm wrong about this.' I remember arguing about this particular episode with the writers, but it was felt that it would be all right. When my children saw it, though, they were furious! Almost in a chorus, they exploded with : 'Mom, you wouldn't let us off that easy.' And it's true." During the show's first year, Donna and Tony often found writers trying to turn Dr. and Mrs. Stone into permissive parents with kids who were on the cocky side. They always argued against this approach and, by the end of the year, there were no more such trends in stories. In the beginning, Jeff was allowed to be a bit brash at times, but Donna insisted some kind of punishment be inserted in the script. There were even occasions on the set when Paul himself — who is an energetic, enthusiastic kid — got noisy and loud. Donna would just say, "Hey, Paul, not so loud," and he'd quiet down. "Both Paul and Shelley have worn well during these years," Donna explains, "though, at first, I didn't think they would. They're really fine young people." Her own youngsters keep an eagle eye on the show. When they want to go somewhere, they always have to tell Donna where they're going and when they'll be back. On one show, Jeff announced he was going out and Donna just waved goodbye. When her children saw this, they blew up: "You'd never let us get by with that ! How come Jeff can?" Mom's severest critics They have also complained when either Paul or Shelley come up with a hairdo or an outfit they don't like. For a while, Paul greased his hair to a point of no return. Donna discussed this with him, as did the director, and most of the time Paul would apply the de-greasing process. But the patent leather shine on his hair got by, in a couple of shows, and Donna's boys raised the roof. Armed with this information, she marched into the studio and told Paul: "You see, even my own boys don't like your hair all plastered down like that." "I think we have actually made only one serious mistake in the show," she says, in the calm of her Beverly Hills home. "From the beginning, I wanted to let the audience know how old Shelley was supposed to be — and I was against letting her date. She was just fourteen, actually, but the impression given was that she was about twelve. The writers argued against my idea and, on the show, Shelley was seen dating — even though she wasn't going out with boys in real life. This, to me, set a bad example for the audience, and it's a mistake I wish we hadn't made. I know for certain I'd never have allowed my daughter to date at twelve ! " When Donna began the show, she was aware that her own children might feel some jealousy about those she had on TV, so she saw to it that they had every chance to visit the set and see what went on — particularly, the hard work involved. Consequently, her three older children knew from the first exactly what Donna's job was and had no concern about being displaced in her affections. Tony even decided he wanted a part on the show. Just recently, he got his first role — about five lines — and was all excited about being an "actor." For a short time, it seemed that the children were getting overly impressed about their mother's stardom. To correct this, Donna purposely gave them fewer toys and fancy clothes than would be the case in even an average home. She and Tony also seldom discussed the show in front of them, and they kept them out of the limelight, refusing even to have the children photographed unless absolutely necessary. "It wasn't that we were trying to hide them away from the public," Donna notes. "We were only giving them the privacy they were entitled to and really wanted. Fortunately, any wrong illusions they might have had disappeared. At school, they learned they were not in an exclusive situation — several boys and girls there had parents who were stars and none of them paid much attention to any glitter on the family tree."