Radio-TV mirror (July-Dec 1953)

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MA PERKINS There is no happiness without faith THE GENTLE FACE of Ma Pcrkins, with its freime of gently waved white hair and its revealingly humorous, bright eyes, reflects a woman who has lived richly and gained much from experience. This morning, as she busied herself with making her morning coffee. Ma was in a reflective mood. Evey, her first-bom daughter, had given Ma Perkins her second grandson, Jackson Perkins Fitz, and now Fay's marriage to Tom Wells meant that Ma's second daughter would face the miracles that come from love and companionship in marriage— and also the trials that must necessarily be faced by any two people who struggle to make their way in the world. ... If Ma had a philosophy which she could sum up in one sentence, it would probably be: "There are two forces in the world — the force for good, the force for evil." In order to hve richly, to wrest from life the best, every person must have a faith in the essential goodness of people. CONGRATULATIONS TO MA PERKINS December, 1953, is the 20th anniversary of the network debut of Ma Perkins and her Rnshville Center friends! Pictured here, as heard on the air, are: Ma Perkins Virginia Payne Shnflle Shober Charles Egelston Willy Fitz Murray Forbes Evey Kay Campbell Fay Joan Tompkins Orin TovTOv is the writer who records the stories of Ma and Rnshville Center. Ma Perkins, over CBS Radio, M-F, 1:15 P.M. EST, for Procter & Gamble's Oxvdol. 1 With Evey married and Fay about to wed, Ma Perkins wants her daughters to draw strength fronn her own philosophy of life — there must he abiding faith in the essential goodness of human beings. See Next Page ^ 55