Radio-TV mirror (July-Dec 1953)

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ft to him. Julie has fought hard . . . but is her courage at last beginning to falter? M-F. 3 P.M. EST. CBS. JIST PLAI\ BILL Phyllis Hunter, long a stranger to her father, suddenly turns up in his life with plans to reconcile him and her mother. But Bill Davidson suspects that Phyllis' motives are not entirely noble, since she is in love with Cornelius Townsend. the man her mother plans to marry. When the tense emotional situation finally explodes into tragedy. Bill tries desperately to help . . . but can he control the terrible climax? M-F. 5 P.M. EST. NBC. LMFE CA\ HE BEAITIFIL Chichi. who grew up in the hard school provided by the streets of a big city, is not the girl to lose heart too easily. But lately, something very important has happened to Chichi — something that might open a whole new world of happiness, or might, on the other hand, slam the gate right in her face. If that happens, will even Papa David's love and philosophv be able to help? M-F, 3 P.M. EST, NBC. LOREXZO JOXES Still estranged from Lorenzo by his loss of memory. Belle sadly picks up the pieces of her life and enters upon a startling new career, acting opposite famous Wade Emerv' in producer Verne Massey's new play. Success will never solace Belle if Lorenzo, unable to recall their marriage, continues his romance ■vdth Gail Maddox. Is there no way in which Lorenzo can be made to remember their past happiness? M-F. 5:30 P.M. EST. NBC. LOVE OF LIFE During the past weeks. Vanessa Dale's life has undergone a complete revolution. The New 'iork career she planned for so eagerly has gone down in a confusion of schemes and plots engineered by her neurotic sister. Meg Harper. But at the same time something much more important has come out of all the trouble — Paul Raven's proposal, and Van's acceptance. Will Meg once again destrov Van's hopes? M-F. 12:15 P.M. EST. CBS-TV. MA PERKIXS At last. Willy is cleared of the shocking accusation of theft made against him by his ex-boss. Frank Hoffman, and the new baby boy just born to Willy and Evey can face life unafraid — as Willy gloomily feared — that he might be pointed out as a convict's son. Is this all that was needed to clear the way for Ma's other daughter, Fay. and writer Tom Wells? What happens to a wedding too often postponed? M-F, 1:15 P.M. EST, CBS. Oin GAL SiyOAY In kind, sympathetic Sunday Brinthrope. young Connie Durant has found the perfect innocent bystander to help her carry out her ruthless plan to destroy her husband. Brian, and acquire his fortune. But Sunday is far more astute than Connie imagines, and her sure instinct for good and bad will not long permit Connie to deceive her. But will Sunday learn the truth in time to wreck Connie's terrible plan? M-F. 12:45 P.M. EST. CBS. PEPPER YOl\G'S FAMILY Mother \oung has never been set against any change that might bring added happiness to her beloved family. But change for its own sake is something else, and she casts a questioning eye on the big financial deal that has everyone excited. Meanwhile. Peggy Young Trent faces a different sort of problem as her growing son Hal creates an unexpected situation between Peggy and her husband Carter. M-F. 3:30 P.M. EST, NBC. PERRY MASOy Ever since lawyer Perry Mason's first contact with the Beekmans, Ed and Audrey have been harassed and haunted by mistakes made in the past. Now. with Ed finally out on parole with every chance to make a clean new start, the Beekmans share a passionate hope to give their beautiful daughter Kate a good life. Knowing this, Perry becomes particularly dangerous when a threat out of the past turns against Kate herself. M-F, 2:15 P.M. EST, CBS. THE RIGHT TO nAPPI\ESS Carolyn Kramer Nelson's efforts in behalf of the young man framed on a murder charge have brought her almost face to face with the ruthless enemies who are determined to ruin the political career of her husband. Governor Miles Nelson. But. ironically. Carolyn has been unable to convince one important person of the necessity for her activities — Miles himself. Will she save his reputation only to lose him? M-F. 3:45 P.M. EST. NBC. THE ROAD OF LIFE Almost the day Aunt Reggie hit town, it became apparent to Dr. Jim and his new wife. Jocelyn. that the old lady's sweetness concealed a formidable determination to take over the lives of all the Brents. In fact, Jim's foster son, Dr. John, is the only one Aunt Reggie does manage to hoodwink, and John's wife Francey stands by in helpless fury as her marriage heads for the rocks. Still. Francey is a resourceful girl. . M-F. 3:15 P.M. EST. NBC. M-F. 1 P.M. EST. CBS. THE ROMANCE OF HELE^ TREXT The murder of producer Kelcey Spenser has almost wrecked Helen Trent's life. Shaken and jobless, she must also contend with serious suspicions about her conduct which are being cleverly planted around Hollywood by columnist Daisy Parker and by Cynthia Whitney, ruthless wife of the man who has never stopped loving Helen — lawyer Gil Whitney. Must Gil give up friendship with Helen for her sake? M-F. 12:30 P.M. EST. CBS. SrOMACHUP^ET? when "something you ate" causes ACID INDIGESTION orHEARTDURN... ... remember millions get fast relief with GUARANTEED TO CONTAIN NO SODA WOMEN: WHY SUFFER IRREGULAR PERIODS DUE TO FUNCTIONAL DISORDER? When functional disorder! cause scanty or irregular menstruation, thousands of women have relieved mental and phi'sical suffering by privately taking a smaii tablet called Humphrey's "11", a true homeopathic preparation available without prescription. Just ask druggist for Humphrey's "11". 1 Check number, size and color of frames ^ O 1—5x7 n 2—5x7 Q] Ivory and Gold n 1—8x10 n 2—8x10 Q Brown and Gold Beautiful silk finish black and white enlarsrements made from your favorite snapshots, photos or negatives. Be sure to include color of hair, eyes and clothing for havin°r your enlargements beautifully hand colored in oil. SEND NO MONEY. Simply pay postman for each enlargement and each Dlus cost of mailing. Additional SI. 29 for hand coloring 5x7 size or $1.69 for 8xlO size. Satisfaction guaranteed. Limit 2 I to a customer. Originals returned with enlargements. ' I Offer erond in U.S.A. only. Prompt ser\-ice. I HOLLYWOOD FILM STUDIOS, Dept. NF-93 7021 SANTA MONICA BLVD., HOLLYWOOD 38, CALIF. '"FRr^PSORIASIS MAKE THE ONE SPOT« TEST . DeRmoiL Prove ityourself no matter howlongyou have suffered or what you have tried. Beautiful book on psoriasis and Dermoil with amazing, true photographic proof of results — —REE.Writeforit. SEND FOR .GENEROUS >) TRlAt Don't mistake eczema for the stubborn, ugly embarrassing scaly skin disease Psoriasis. Apply non-staining Dermoil. Thousands do for scaly spots on body or scalp. Grateful users often after years of suffering, report the scales have gone, the red patches gradually disappeared and they enjoyed the thrill of a clear skin again. Dermoil is used by many doctors and is backed by a positive agreement to give definite benefit in 2 weeks or money is refunded w= hout question. Send 10c (stamps or coin) for generous tria. bottle to make our famous "One Spot Test." Test it yourself. Results may surprise you. Write today for your test bottle. Caution: Use only as directed. Print nameplainly. Don't delay. Sold by Liqgettand Walgreen Drua Stores and other leading druggists. LAKE LABORATORIES Box 3925,Strathmoor Station, Dept. 8004, Detroit 27. Mich. 103