TV Radio Mirror (Jan - Jun 1957)

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j^WTA^y, Is Tampax realythat comfortable?" JOAN: "It certainly is! I'm not even aware I'm wearing Tampax. It's so comfortable, so convenient, that I simply couldn't ever imagine using anything else!" PAM: "Jane told me she almost forgets about 'her time'!" JOAN: "I do, too! Why, I'm hardly conscious of a difference in days of the month! Tampax gives so much freedom! Poise! Confidence! It's so modern. Really wonderful ..." PAM: (laughing) "All right! I'm sold. I'll try it this very month!" Only by actually trying doctor-invented Tampax* internal sanitary protection, can you discover all its many advantages. Joan might have added . . . Tampax is made of surgical cotton, in disposable applicators. Easy to insert. Hands need never touch the Tampax. No chance of odor forming. It's convenient to carry "extras." Tampax comes in 3 absorbencies: Regular, Super, Junior. Sold at all drug and notion counters. Tampax Incorporated, Palmer, Mass. • Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Invented by a doctor — now used by millions of women TV RADIO MIRROR FEBRUARY, 1957 ATLANTIC EDITION VOL. 47. NO. 3 Ann Higginbotham, Editorial Director Ann Mosher, Editor , Jack Zasorin, Art Director Teresa Buxton, Managing Editor Frances Maly, Associate Art Director Claire Safran, Associate Editor Joan Clarke, Art Assistant Dick Sheppard, Assistant Editor Bud Goode, West Coast Editor PEOPLE ON THE AIR 6 25 28 32 34 36 50 52 54 58 What's New From Coast to Coast by Peter Abbott That's My Steve Allen! by Jayne Meadows Rocking Around With Bill Haley by John Grande AllAmerican Mother (Jane Wyatt) by Diane Scott This Is Where It All Began (Hal March) by Maxine Arnold My Friend, Jackie Gleason by Jack Lescoulie The Edge Of Night (a Fiction Bonus from the popular daytime serial) Tim Considine Takes a Spin by Bud Goode The Shining Hours (Durward Kirby) by Mary Temple No Doubt About Love (Dave Garroway) by Martin Cohen Who's Who on Hilltop House (Jan Miner, Lester Fletcher, Casey Allen, Ethel Everett, Bobby Readick, Janice Gilbert, Pamela Fitzmaurice, Michael Mann, Cathleen Cordell) 60 FEATURES IN FULL COLOR The Importance of Being Qaire (Anne Burr) by Frances Kish 40 The World's My Family (Roy Rogers and Dale Evans) by Dora Albert 42 Arlene Francis — Who Does It All Herself by Marie Haller 46 Dawn Linkletter's Wonderful Life by Maurine Remenih 48 YOUR LOCAL STATION Early Bird and Night Owl (WINS) 10 Capital Weatherman (WMAL, WMAL-TV) 12 Friends in Deed 18 Oh, Brother! (WICH) 20 Now They Are Five (WORD 65 It Just Comes Natural (NBC Network, WRCA) 66 YOUR SPECIAL SERVICES TV Radio Mirror Goes to the Movies by Janet Graves 14 New Patterns for You (smart wardrobe suggestions) 15 Information Booth 16 New Designs for Living (needlecraft and transfer patterns) 19 Can I Help You? by Joan Davis 22 Beauty: Elisabeth Fraser — Beauty in All Mary Sherwood 64 Cover portrait of Steve Allen by David Workman of U. S. Features BUY YOUR MARCH ISSUE EARLY • ON SALE FEBRUARY 5 ^oiO PUBLISHED MONTHLY by Macfadden Publications, Inc., New York. N. Y. EXECUTIVE, ADVERTISING AND EDI«TORIAL OFFICES at 205 East 42nd ' Street, New Yorlt. N. Y. Editorial Branch ^ Office; 6269 Selma Ave.. Hollywood 28, ' Calif. Irving S. Manheimer, President; Lee Andrews. Vice President; Meyer Dworkin, Secretary and Treasurer. Advertising offices also in Chicago, 22 X North LaSalle Street, and San Francisco. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $3.00 one year. U. S. and Possessions and Canada. $5.00 per year for all other countries. ^. , CHANGE OF ADDRESS: 6 weeks' notice essential. When possible, please furnish stencil impression address from a recent issue. Address changes can be made only if you send us your old, as well as your new address. Write to TV Radio Mirror, 205 East 42nd Street, New York 17, N. Y. MANUSCRIPTS: All manuscripts will be carefully con sidered, but publisher cannot be responsible for loss or damage. It is advisable to keep a duplicate copy for your records. Only those manuscripts accompanied by stamped, self-addressed return envelopes or with sufficient return postage will be returned. _^ ^.. FOREIGN editions handled through Macfadden Publications International Corp., 205 East 42nd Street, New York 17. N. Y. Irving S. Manheimer, President; Douglas Lockhart, Vice President. __^ RE-ENTERED as Second Class Matter, June 28, 1954. at the Post Office at New York, N. Y.. under the Act of March 3, 1879. Authorized as Second Class mail, P.O. Dept., Ottawa, Ont., Canada. Copyright 1957 by Macfadden Publications, Inc. All rights reserved under International Copyright Convention. All rights reserved under Pan-American Copyright Convention. Todos derechos reservados segun la Convencion PanAmericana de Propiedad Literaria y Artistica. Title trademark registered in U.S. Patent Office. Printed in U. S. A. by Art Color Printing Company. Member of the TRUE STORY Women's Group