TV Radio Mirror (Jul - Dec 1956)

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What More Can Any Man Ask? (Continued from page 61) one of radio's loveliest and best-known actresses, Claire Niesen, who plays MaryNoble in Backstage Wife. He has been successful in the music and movie business, as well as radio and TV. He has worked in almost every great city in the country and has lived the glitter and glamour of both New York and Hollywood. But Mel still thinks that children are the greatest thing that can happen to anyone. "Barbara's in the public eye," he observes, "and I'm proud of her success in 'Carousel.' I visited her when the company was on location at Boothbay, Maine, and learned how affectionately she was regarded by everyone. Now that's something that makes a father especially proud. Or take my son Bob, with his special talent for evaluating things and his keen moral sense. These characteristics mean more to a parent than war medals." Good looks run in the Ruick family. Bob and Barbie are both blond. Barbie is slender, tall, pretty and vivacious. Mel himself stands an inch under six feet tall, Bob stands an inch over. Mel has brown hair and brown eyes. All three have a family resemblance, particularly around the eyes. "My children," says Mel, "are involved in the same things that have always fascinated me — flying, music and acting. Maybe it's less than a coincidence, but, when Bob was born, I was flying forest patrol out of Medford, Oregon. And when Barbie was born I was parcelling my time between being an actor and a bandleader. Today, Barbie records for Columbia Records. She has acted in many TV shows — Climax, The Lineup, The Loretta Young Show. She has even played as a comedy foil for Red Skelton." She has, of course, scored a double hit as singer and actress in the musical film, "Carousel." As Mel says, "I think the movie is her first important rung up the ladder, and I wouldn't have missed the Hollywood premiere for anything. The people at CBS knocked themselves out to pre-record City Hospital so that I could make the trip to the Coast. It was a thrill taking that limousine ride with Barbie to Grauman's Chinese. I wouldn't have missed that if it had meant traveling to Kyoto, Japan. I felt the same way when Bob won his wings at Luke Field in Arizona. That was another of the memorable moments in my life." There are three cities which Mel has called home. Since World War II, he has lived in New York. Prior to the war, his home was in Hollywood. And he was born and raised in Boise, Idaho. Mel had two brothers and a sister. His mother died when he was seven, and a governess took over until his father married again — and then Mel was one of seven children. 'Dad was a prominent attorney," he recalls, "but his first love was music. I remember our home concerts on Sunday evenings— about the only night I got out of helping with dishes, because I played violin. Well, practically the whole family , played some instrument." Mel was seventeen when his father died. A year later, after graduating from * igh school, Mel got a job in a mine. He vorked there for more than a year — until the day he picked up a magazine with a cover picture of a young aviator: "I knew .that I wanted to fly. But I also knew I should have more education, so I quit my job and enrolled at the University of California. But then war broke out, and OPPORTUNITIES for EVERYBODY Publisher's Classified Department (Trademark) For classified advertising rates, write to William R. Stewart, 9 South Clinton Street, Chicago 6 (Worn. -July} 6 OF INTEREST TO WOMEN MONEY MAKING OPPORTUNITIES $350 FOR YOUR Child's Picture (all ages). Thousands Paid by advertisers. Send one small picture. Returned with judges' report. Print child's parents' name, address on back. Spotlite 1611-P7 North La Brea, Hollywood, Calif. COMPLETE YOUR HIGH School at home in spare time with 59-year-old school. Texts furnished. No classes. Diploma. Information booklet free. American School, Dept. XB74, Drexel at 58th, Chicago 37, Illinois. WE NEED REPRESENTATIVES . . . "$327.00 first month," reports W. F. G., Waco, Texas. Earn $200.00 to $400.00 monthly . . . proven plan for your own business . . . full or part time. No investment ... no inventory . . . free information without obligation. Write: Dept. S101, Opportunities Unlimited, 482 Main Street, Maiden, Massachusetts. $5,199.90 WAS PAID to John Betts in few weeks. Grow Mushrooms. Cellar, shed. Spare, full time, year round. We pay $3.50 lb. Free Book. Mushrooms, Dept. 164, 2954 Admiral Way, Seattle, Wash. STUFFING— MAILING ENVELOPES. Our instructions tell how. Dept. G-7, Education Publishers, 4043 St. Clair, Cleveland 3 Ohio. GUARANTEED HOMEWORK! IMMEDIATE Commissions! Everything Furnishedl Hirsch, 1301-12 Hoe Ave., New York City 59. HOME MAILING WORKI No Selling. Good Earnings. Genmerco, Box 142-W, Dorchester 24, Massachusetts. EXTRA MONEY PREPARING Mailing Postcards, Gul, 2419 Thomas, Chicago 22, Illinois. $25 WEEKLY POSSIBLE, sparetime, preparing advertising mailings at home. Temple Co., Muncie 2, Indiana. $35 WEEKLY PREPARING envelopes. Instructions $1. Refundable. Adservice, Spring Valley 151, New York. LADIES: PREPARE MAIL postcards, easy, profitable. Alfred Haseman, Beecher, Illinois. OPERATE RESTAURANT OR diner. Free booklet reveals plan. Write Restaurant Arts, MO-57, Fremont, Ohio. MAKE YOUR TYPEWRITER Earn Money. Send $1.00. Hughes, 7004 Diversey, Chicago 35. $350 FOR YOUR child's photo, all ages, if used for advertising purposes. Send photo for approval. Print child's-mother's, name-address on back. Returned two weeks. Advertisers, 6000YT Sunset, Hollywood 28, California. $100— $400 MONTHLY Possible, preparing envelopes, postcards, from mailing lists at home. Longhand, typewriter. Detailed Instructions only 25c! T. Economy, Rowley, Mass. EARN $40. WEEKLY Sewing Babywearl No canvassingl Send stamped, addressed envelope. Babywear, Warsaw 1, Indiana. ENVELOPE PREPARING FACTS— extra income opportunities revealed through HM service. Free details. Maxwell, Dept. 2-6, Wooster, Ohio. MAKE SPARE TIME money preparing and mailing sales literature. Adams Surveys, 3513C Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, 26, California. MAKE MONEY CLIPPING Items From Your Newspaperl Write, Newscraft, PW-983-E. Main, Columbus 5, Ohio. SEW OUR READY cut aprons at home, spare time. Easy, Profitable. Hanky Aprons, Ft. Smith 3, Ark. BONAFIDE HOMEWORK OPPORTUNITY! Guaranteed Pay! No Selling I Wallace, Box 3-W, Boston 22, Massachusetts FEMALE HELP WANTED PERSONAL BEAUTY DEMONSTRATORS— TO $5 hour demonstrating Famous Hollywood Cosmetics, your neighborhood. For free samples, details, write Studio Girl, Glendale, Calif., Dept. 1667C. HOME SEWERS WANTED! Earn extra cash making readi cut ties, experience unnecessary. No selling. We instruct. Jud-San, 518 E. 105, Dept. F-1, Cleveland 8, Ohio. BORROWING BY MAIL. Loans $100 to $600 to employed men and women. Easy, quick. Completely confidential. No endorsers. Repay in convenient monthly payments. Details free in plain envelope. Give occupation, state Finance Co., 323 Securities Bldg., Dept. W-69, Omaha 2, Nebraska. PHOTO STAMPS 100 Only $1.25. Samples. Gift House, Box 464, Great Neck, N.Y. HOME WORKERS. MAKE hand-made moccasins. Good pay. LOANS BY MAIL Experience unnecessary. California Handicrafts, Los Angeles 46, California. HOME SEWING. READY-Cut Rap-Around. Profitable, Easy. Free Instructions. Hollywood Manufacturing, Dept. C, Hollywood 46, California. BORROW $50 TO $500. Employed men and women over 25, eligible. Confidential — no co-signers — no inquiries of employers or friends. Repay in monthly payments to fit your income. Supervised by State of Nebraska. Loan application sent free in plain envelope. Give occupation. American Loan Plan. City National Bldg., Dept. WD-7, Omaha, Nebraska. HOME SEWERS WANTED $2.00 HOURLY POSSIBLE doing light assembly work at home. Experience unnecessary. Crown Industries, 7159-B Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles 36, Calif. $5.00 DAILY, MAKING Scented Orchids. No canvassing. Boycan Industries, Sharon 6, Penn. FASCINATING WORKATHOMEI No selling I We pay you 1 Truart, Box 710, Pasadena, Calif. SEW APRONS. NO Charge for materials. Write: Adco, Bastrop. Louisiana. SEW BABY SHOES at home. No canvassing. $40.00 weekly possible. Write: Tiny-Tot, Galliopolis 19, Ohio. EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES HOMEWORKERS WANTED PAINTING novelties. Good earnings. N. Roland, R.D. #1, Vincentown, N.J. HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA at home. Licensed teachers. Approved materials. Southern States Academy, Box 144W Station E, Atlanta, Georgia. MALE & FEMALE HELP WANTED $30.00 WEEKLY MAKING Roses. Look, Smell real. Studio Company, Greenville 12, Pa. DO-IT-YOURSELF EARN EXTRA MONEY selling Advertising Book Matches. Free sample kit furnished. Matchcorp, Dept. WP-27, Chicago 32, Illinois. AGENTS WANTED LEARN ART METALCRAFT and jewelry making. Complete, inexpensive, home training course now available. Special tools and materials furnished. Write for free booklet. Interstate Training Service, Dept. L-72, Portland 13, Oregon. NURSING SCHOOLS 60% PROFIT COSMETICS. $25 Day Up. Hire others. Samples, details. Studio Girl Hollywood, Glendale, Calif., Dept. 1667H. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GIRLS— WOMEN. PRACTICAL Nurses needed. Learn profitable career at home easily. Many earn while learning. High School not required. Free booklet. Wayne School, 2525 Sheffield, Dept. AW-22, Chicago 14. EARN AT HOME everything furnished. Details Free. Crea FOREIGN & U.S.A. JOB LISTING tion's Box 386, Austin, Texas. SPARE TIME OPPORTUNITIES HIGH PAYING JOBS. All types. Foreign, U.S. Chance to travel. Fare paid. Application forms. For information Write Section 95B, National, 1020 Broad, Newark, N.J. PROFITS! RAISE NUTRIA beavers. Herb Miller, 513 Kent Lubbock, Texas. ANY PHOTO ENLARGED Size 8 x lO Inches on DOUBLE-WEIGHT Paper Same price for full length or bust form, groups, landscapes, pet animals, etc., or enlargements of any part of a group picture. Original is returned with your enlargement. 67 Send No Money 3 for $] 50 Just mail photo, negative or snapshot (any size) and receive your enlargement, guaranteed fadeless, on beautiful double-weight portrait quality paper. Pay postman 67c plus postage— or send 69c with order and we pay postage. Take advantage of this amazing offer. Sendyour photos today. Professional Art Studios, 544 S. Main, Dept. 36 H. Princeton, Illinois MAKE $S0-$60 A WEEK You can learn practical nursing at home in spare time. Course endorsed by physicians. Thousands of graduates. 57th yr. One graduate has charge of 10-bed hospital. Another saved $400 while learning. Equipment included. Men. women 18 to 60. High school not required. Easy tuition payments. Trial plan. Write today. CHICAGO SCHOOL OF NURSING Dept. 27, 25 East Jackson Blvd.. Chicago 4, III. Please send free booklet and 16 sample lesson pages. Name Citu State .Age New Way to Remove Dandruff New concentrated DANDRICIDE RINSE releases anti-dandruff action no ordinary tonic or shampoo can duplicate WHY HAVE DANDRUFF? Tonight, you can have a cleaner scalp, healthier looking hair, gleaming with a soft clean sheen! With new Dandricide, loose itchy dandruff is removed instantly with a unique anti-dandruff, scalp conditioning rinse action ! Old fashioned dandruff "tonics" or shampoos may merely dissolve dandruff scales, only to have them return in a few days. New Dandricide rinses loose dandruff OUT . . . really cleans the scalp . . . fights the fast return of unsightly, itchy dandruff as no tonic or shampoo can! Concentrated to last longer! Easy to use! Because it's concentrated, you get 12 Dandricide rinses in a $1.00 bottle. Just mix with water as directed, rinse and that's all! Get Dandricide at drug and department stores, beauty and barber shops. 79