TV Radio Mirror (Jul - Dec 1956)

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Mo'd 'be/ieve /w& ever eiwfarrQQsecf by ' P/tnp/es*/'' New! Clearasil Medication STARVES' PIMPLES SKIN-COLORED . . . hides pimples while It works. At last ! Science discovers a new-type medication especially for pimples, that really works. In skin specialists' tests on 202 patients, 9 out of every 10 cases were completely cleared up or definitely improved while using clearasil. CLEARASIL WORKS FAST TO MAKE PIMPLES DISAPPEAR tlf7 fW 1 . PENETRATES PIMPLES . . . keratolytic action softens and dissolves affected skin tissue . . . permits medication to penetrate down into any infected area. 2. ISOLATES PIMPLES . . . antiseptic action of this new type medication stops growth of bacteria that can cause and spread pimples. 3. 'STARVES' PIMPLES . . . CLEAKasil's famous dry-up action 'starves' pimples because it helps to remove the oils that pimples 'feed' on. SKIN CREAMS CAN 'FEED' PIMPLES CLEARASIL 'STARVES' THEM Oil in pores helps pimples grow and thrive. So oily skin creams can actually 'feed' pimples. Only an oil-absorbing medication . . . clearasil, helps dry up this oil, 'starves' pimples. 'FLOATS OUT' BLACKHEADS clearasil's penetrating medical action softens and loosens blackheads from underneath, so they 'float out' with normal washing. So why suffer the misery of pimples or blackheads ! clearasil is guaranteed to work for you, as in doctors' teats, or money back. Only 69$ at all drug counters (economy size 98*). Largest-Selling Pimple Medication in America (including Canada) TV DECEMBER, 1956 RADIO MIRROR ATLANTIC EDITION • VOL. 47, NO. 1 Ann Higginbotham, Editorial Director Ann Mosher, Editor Jack Zasorin, Art Director Teresa Buxton, Managing Editor Frances Maly, Associate Art Director Claire Safran, Associate Editor Joan Clarke, Art Assistant Jan Coble, Assistant Editor Bud Goode, West Coast Editor PEOPLE ON THE AIR What's New From Coast to Coast by Peter Abbott 4 The Great Big "If (Ed Sullivan) by Martin Cohen 19 All of a Sudden Love (John Conte) by Pauline Townsend 22 Back Home Again in Indiana (Betty Oakes) by Judith Field 24 The Girl Who Got to Elvis Presley by Philip Chapman 28 Oh! Susanna — Oh, Baby! (Gale Storm) by Bud Goode 30 My Father, Alfred Hitchcock by Pat Hitchcock 32 Faith in His Fellow Man (Ralph Story) by Lilla Anderson 44 Mark Saber — At Home (Donald Gray) 46 Little Miss Teal Ames by Mary Temple 50 This Is Nora Drake (picture story from the popular daytime drama).... 52 Seven Dolls for Seven Daughters (Name That Tune winners) by Helen Bolstad 56 TV Radio Mirror Awards for 1956-57 (vote for your favorite stars and programs) 58 FEATURES IN FULL COLOR "A Living Doll" (Betsy Palmer) by Gregory Merwin 34 Bill Cullen: The Man Who Has Everything by Gladys Hall 36 Jeannie With the Bright Red Hair (Jeannie Carson) by June Berryman 40 To Susan With Love (Virginia Dwyer) by Frances Kish 42 YOUR LOCAL STATION "X" Marks His Spot (Mutual) 6 Life Is a Gambol (WTTG, WGMS) 8 The Loves of Pete (WROW, WCDA-WCDB) 12 Say Honest, Phil (WMGM) 16 YOUR SPECIAL SERVICES Information Booth 10 TV Radio Mirror Goes to the Movies by Janet Graves 14 A Holiday Message to Our Readers by Irving S. Manheimer 19B Beauty: From Lass to Lady (Mary Linn Beller) by Mary Parker Sherwood 60 New Designs for Living (needlecraft and transfer patterns) 70 New Patterns for You (smart wardrobe suggestions) 72 Can I Help You? by Joan Davis 74 Cover photographs of Elvis Presley and Ed Sullivan courtesy of CBSTV. Mr. Presley appeared on The Ed Sullivan Show on October 28 and will be seen in Twentieth Century-Fox's "Love Me Tender." BUY YOUR 3ANUARY ISSUE EARLY • ON SALE DECEMBER 4 mmm PUBLISHED MONTHLY by Macfadden _*2___* Publications, Inc., New York, N. Y. * EXECUTIVE, ADVERTISING AND EDIv^TORIAL OFFICES at 205 East 42nd x Street, New York, N. Y. Editorial Branch / » Office: 6269 Selma Ave., Hollywood 28, f £ Calif. Irving S. Manheimer, President; %• Lee Andrews, Vice President; Meyer rOi|i'» Dworkin, Secretary and Treasurer. Adver* using offices also in Chicago, 221 North LaSalle Street, and San Francisco. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $3.00 one year. U. S. and Possessions and Canada. $5.00 per year for all other countries. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: 6 weeks' notice essential. When possible, please furnish stencil impression address from a recent issue. Address changes can be made only if you send us your old, as well as your new address. Write to TV Radio Mirror, 205 East 42nd Street, New York 17, N. Y. MANUSCRIPTS: All manuscripts will be carefully con sidered, but publisher cannot be responsible for loss or damage. It Is advisable to keep a duplicate copy for your records. Only those manuscripts accompanied by stamped, self-addressed return envelopes or with sufficient return postage will be returned. FOREIGN editions handled through Macfadden Publications International Corp., 205 East 42nd Street, New York 17, N. Y. Irving S. Manheimer, President; Douglas Lockhart, Vice President. RE-ENTERED as Second Class Matter, June 28, 1954, at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Authorized as Second Class mail, P.O. Dept., Ottawa, Ont,, Canada. Copyright 1956 by Macfadden Publications, Inc. All rights reserved under International Copyright Convention. All rights reserved under Pan-American Copyright Convention. Todos derechos reservados segun la Convencion Pan-Americana de Propiedad Literaria y Artistica. Title trademark registered in U.S. Patent Office. Printed in U. S. A* by Art Color Printing Company. Member of the TRUE STORY Women's Group