TV Radio Mirror (Jul - Dec 1956)

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a girlfriend and another boy— followed. Naturally, no one was supposed to find out about June and her party. With all those girls all over the country identifying themselves as one of Elvis's innumerable dates, it would hurt to know that he had brought along an eighteen-year-old favorite to keep him company on his tour. That's why he and Col. Parker had their answers ready when they were asked about the things June and her mother had said. There's no doubt that Elvis is playing the field, and that June is over-optimistic when she figures there is only one other girl in his life. "I'm going on the tour with him as far as New Orleans," she said. "But, when he goes back to Memphis, I don't know what I'll do." She was referring to her competition there, of course. Elvis and Parker would have you believe that there would be just as much competition in every city along the way. The truth is, June was right in looking forward to being his steady, at least as far as Memphis. Elvis asked her to come along because he knew he wouldn't get a chance to date an outside girl during his slambang tour. By "outside" is meant anyone who isn't in his police-protected party itself. He travels with an entourage of cousins, boyhood friends, and agents, just as Sinatra and Fisher always have, and he either has to stay in his hotel suite or at the theater. It's tough enough fighting his way from one place to the other and back again without being snatched at by the shrieking mobs of little girls. So the only way he can have a date on such a trip is to enclose her in the protected circle and keep her there. Of course they can never be alone, except for occasional moments in his dressing room at the theater. But. it's better than spending several weeks with just a bunch of other fellows. That's why Elvis probably will henceforth limit his dates to three or four girls — if not to the two June believes in. With him, now, it's a matter of mechanics. Trying to date twenty-five girls would be worse than murder: It could ruin his career. The reaction of the local Miami press to Elyis was hilarious because it was so vehement. For at least a decade in Miami, no such downright poisonous attacks have been printed as were directed at Elvis. And this in a resort city noted for its jaundiced opinion of entertainers. One reporter shot a current-events quiz at him, with questions about Suez and the Andrea Doria and international politics. Elvis sweated visibly, but he was polite and did his woeful best. "I don't hardly get a chance to read the papers any more," he mumbled. But, when the reporter had left to write that Elvis was the dumbest gent he'd ever met, Elvis said justifiably, "What was he trying to prove? If I knew all that stuff, I'd be doing his job." Actually, the news attacks were addressed "more to the audience of frantic girls than to Presley, the man and performer. The critics were all men with twenty or thirty years of show-business experience behind them. And, after all, Elvis was performing for a bunch of impressionable youngsters. The critics couldn't hear a note he played or sang for the continuous shrieking. One reporter came up to June Juanico as she stood in the wings, smiling dreamily, jiggling a little in time to Elvis's rhythm, and asked her: "Just what is it you see in him?" And she replied, "If you were of the opposite sex, you would know." Whatever he does, June will like it — and, I suspect, so will his other fans. Meantime, Elvis has rapidly moved on to a bigger, brighter — and more fascinating future. In Hollywood, he has starred in 20th Century-Fox's "Love Me Tender." He has met Debra Paget, dated her — and Hollywood is keeping an interested eye on this romance. He is being swept up into a national prominence that will ever befog the boyish days back in Tupelo, Mississippi. So, for June Juanico, the worries increase. Will his old, steady Memphis girl, Barbara Hearn, be the one girl Elvis finally returns to? Will June herself, by loyalty and understanding, win out? Or will her love be swept away from her on a relentless tide of success? No matter what the outcome: Elvis Presley, this minute, has made the most phenomenal success of 1956 or 1957, and in that success June Juanico has played a part. My Father, Alfred Hitchcock (Continued from page 32) bullfight he attended, he left the arena almost as the bull came into it. Nor is he, himself, immune from the gooseflesh he raises on others. He has a fear of policemen, amounting to a phobia . . . which dates back to when he did something naughty as a small boy, and his father (from whom my father inherits his mordant sense of humor) sent him to the police station with a note asking the police lieutenant to "lock the boy up for five minutes." The lieutenant obliged — and "the boy" was so badly frightened that, to this day, he dislikes driving a car because the sound of a siren scares him. "But," several of his TV fans have asked me, "isn't he kind of — well, scary?" To which the answer is: Only on screen, never off; never at home, where — although there's never a dull moment — ghosts do not walk nor chains clank, bodies are never found (well, almost never) where bodies have no business to be. Nothing sinister, nothing remotely scary ever happens at home. On the contrary, my father — who is of a completely happy nature — makes "life with father" a very jolly affair, and gives one a sense of security, the feeling of being protected. On his sets, he never raises his voice above a whisper. And, at home, he speaks quietly. He is a soothing man. A cozy man . . . And a family man of great devotion. He dearly loves my mother. And me. And my two small daughters, Mary, who is V-k, and Terry, who is 2. And Phillip Magnesia, his miniature Sealyham. He is mad about Phillip. When he and my mother returned recently from a trip to Africa — where they were scouting locations for Daddy's projected film, "Flamingo Feather" — Phillip was the only one to whom he brought presents. My father loves his homes, both of them: One in Bel Air, California; the other — the most fantastic place in the world — on a high hill in Santa Cruz, overlooking Monterey Bay. If ever you should drop in on Daddy in the fabulous house on the high hill, where the winds blow strong and the stars are within hands' reach, he would probably be wearing a coverall made of heavy black brocaded silk, with lapels (almost like a pair of pajamas — with the "Hitchcock touch"). He would look very much as "the master of the macabre" is supposed to look. However, Can't Get Rid of Dark or Discolored Skin, .Freckles, Skin Spots? HERE'S HELP! 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