Radio who's who (1947)

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RADIO WHO'S WHO 277 CYNTHIA PUGHE PURSGLOVE, REGINALD WILLIAM. Bandleader, b. London, 21st November, 1902. First broadcast with the Savoy Orpheans from 2LO. Address: 125, North Circular Road, Palmers Green, London, N.13. Phone: Palmers Green 5826. Won Carnegie Scholarship at the Guildhall School of Music and studied there for four years. Started working in theatre orchestras and after four years went to the Savoy Hotel as violinist, where he remained seven years. In 1930 he started his own orchestra and in twelve years played at the Malmaison Restaurant, Embassy Club, and Quaglino's. First broadcast with own orchestra in 1937, and since then has done many shows. Recent programmes were " Sweet and Swing " and " Remember Me." Hobbies: Golf and a small allotment. for choosing a certain amount of incidental music for radio plays, and has contributed several original settings for songs. Her adaptation of "Rupert of Hentzau " was a starred programme, and in one week she had three adaptations produced. Interested in the theatre, and is a trained ballet dancer, and plays in amateur productions. Hobbies: Music, foreign travel, reading, tennis, riding, swimming (holds B.B.C. Ladies' Diving Championship). PULLIN, AUDREY. Soprano Singer, b. Barry, Glamorgan, 20th June, 1922. Gave many overseas broadcasts while serving in the W.R.N.S. Address: 1, Bridle Road, Eastcote, Middx. Phone: Pinner 3416. First began to make a name with a performance in " Variety Band Box " in 1944, after which she broadcast many times. Was a regular guest artist in Canadian and American programmes and became known as "the Wren with the golden voice." Hobbies : Riding and gardening. PUW DA VIES, MABEL. Talks on Cookery, b. Abercarn, Monmouthshire. Did many talks on the kitchen in wartime, and her " Beginners Log " was the first series of talks of the war, on cooking. Address : Meadowcrof t, Eston, Middlesbrough, Yorkshire. Phone: Normanby 238. Educated University of Wales, Cardiff, for three years studying Domestic Science. Travelled rural villages in Suffolk teaching children by day and adults at night. Afterwards in charge of Domestic Science section of Technical Institute, Newmarket. Taught needle-work and cookery at Chiswick High School for Girls. Was in charge of catering and training students in cookery at Hampstead Nursery Training School. Then became superintendent of Ministry of Labour training centres for unemployed girls. Married to a doctor in 1925, and spent the intervening years, she says, putting theory into practice. Has one daughter who never intends to cook so well that husband will object to dining out. Hobbies: Music, bridge, riding, theatre, and travel. Plays the piano.