Radio who's who (1947)

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280 RADIO WHO'S] WHO RAWLINGS, MARGARET LILIAN. Actress. 6. Osaka, Japan, 5th June, 1906. Also known for radio talks and poetry recitals. Address: Rocketer Farm, Wendover, Bucks. Phone: Wendover 2234. Daughter of a C.M.S. missionary to Japan. Educated Oxford High School, from where she won state scholarship to Lady Margaret Hall. After one year left to join a repertory company, being persuaded to do this by John Masefield, after competing in the Oxford Verse Speaking Contest. Since then has MARGARET RAWLINGS acted all over England and Scotland, and has toured Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Has starred in London, Paris and New York. Won a competition (1929) for post of first B.B.C. Woman Announcer. Startled B.B.C. by refusing offer, on the grounds of wishing to remain visible! Has since been a frequent broadcaster in radio plays and poetry programmes. Has been heard in the Brains Trust, the Week's Good Cause, etc. Has played Lady Macbeth in television. Is keenly interested in poetry, and has given many recitals for the Poetry Society. Is also interested in farming. Has one daughter, aged three. RAY, CYRIL. Radio Commentator, feature-writer, etc. 6. Manchester, 16th March, 1908. Ex-B.B.C. War Correspondent, now specialising on Current Affairs talks, and semi-educational programmes. Address: C.6, Albany, Piccadilly, W.l. Phone: Regent 2491. Educated at Manchester Grammar School and Jesus College, Oxford. Has been schoolmaster, bricklayer's labourer, air force officer, shopassistant, groom and cinema manager. Joined the editorial staff of the "Manchester Guardian," in 1936, and was their correspondent with the Royal Navy during the bombardment of Cherbourg and the North African landings. Was " Times " and " Manchester Guardian " correspondent with the 8th Army in 1943-44, and was mentioned in despatches for gallantry in Canadian attack on Ortona, in 1943. He first broadcast commentaries on current affairs to the United States in 1941, and has since talked on this subject on the B.B.C.'s Overseas, European and Schools programmes. He has also reviewed books and films on the Forces Educational programmes and written several feature programmes. Is a regular contributor to the " Sunday Times " book page and a magazine columnist. RAYANNE. (Of Rayanne and Partner.) Talks on personal problems, etc. b. Birmingham, 28th December, 1918. She is a partner in the famous mind-reading act which has been broadcast. Address : The Old Vicarage, Lascelles Road, Boscombe, near Bournemouth, Hants. Described by the Press and the medical profession as the "wonder girl," she is partner in the act with Jack Moore, who is also the manager of it. Toured variety stage until 1940. During the war assisted psychiatrists in military hospitals by applying psychiatry through the medium of entertainment, and also gave nearly 20,000 voluntary performances, making a record one day of 34 20-minute performances, at the General Hospital, Netley, Southampton.