The record changer (Jan-Feb 1945)

Record Details:

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BIG HEUIS from BRSin STREET DOWN where jazz was born, things are happening NOW! Organized in the summer of 1944, the NATIONAL JAZZ FOUNDATION invites you to be among the first to share in a movement of prime importance to jazz enthusiasts everywhere. Its purpose is to establish a National Museum of Jazz, to preserve and develop the history of jazz, to immortalize its creators, to foster and encourage contemporary jazzmen and their music. You may become a sustaining member NOW by sending in the coupon below — or you may write for brochure with complete details. If you are a member of a jazz club in your community, have it affiliated with the Foundation. WRITE US TODAY! — NATIONAL JAZZ FOUNDATION, INC. — 610 HIBERNIA BLDS.. NEW ORLEANS 12, LA. Here is my check for $3.00, for sustaining membership during the fiscal year 1944-45. Name Address 10