The record changer (Mar-Dec 1947)

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MLi .'Ras 7 d> & THE RECORD CHANGER 1 1 The Record Changer is issued [' pnthly as a service to phonograph o rd collectors and buyers. Gordon Gullickson, Editor, Pubther ; Ernest Borneman, Associate ; hn Ball, Jr., and Edward Hill, iassical Records Department; Bill ntlieb, Photography; George GreenId, Circulation Manager; William -auer, Jr., Commercial Advertising anager ; Don Anderson and Gene eitch, Art Department; Irving L. .cobs, Research Department. Published every month at 1425 lopkins St., N. W., Washington, C. Copyright, 1947, Gordon Gulkson. Subscriptions in U. S. and issessions, $3.00 per year ; Canada, .25 ; elsewhere, $3.50. ADVERTISING RATES FOR COLLECTORS AND BUYERS: Classified Sections 3cords Wanted 13c each — icords for Disposition ....13c each 'The above rates apply only to ad rtising submitted on our special ad rms. For a supply of these forms, — ' dress a post card to 1425 Hopkins :., N. W., Washington, D. C. The te for classified advertising not bmitted on these forms is 20c PER 'EM. Record Lists column (Vi page; 78 lines) ..$10.00 columns (% page; 156 lines) 20.00 columns (full page; 234 lines) 30.00 No display ads for record lists less an one column accepted. FOR OUR COMMERCIAL ADVERTISING RATE CARD: Address Inquiries to William Grauer, Jr., Commercial dvertising Mgr., The Record -/ hanger, 170 Claremont Ave., New ork 27, N: Y. To Subscribe Write your name and address on a ece of paper. Send it with $3 to the necord Changer, 1425 Hopkins St., . W., Washington 6, D. C. No other riting is necessary. JjrHREE DOLLARS PER YEAR TWELVE ISSUES VjO L U M E IS , NUMBER 1 MARCH 1947 JAZZ RECORDS SECTION: BILL GOTTLIEB 6 ERNEST BORNEMAN 12 JOHN LUCAS io ALLERGY CONDOM 8 CURRENT RECORDS ..16 RECORDS FOR DISPOSITION 18 RECORDS WANTED 21 COLLECTORS' DISPLAY ADS 23 CLASSICAL RECORDS SECTION: EDWARD HILL 47 RECORDS FOR DISPOSITION 48 RECORDS WANTED 49 RECORD LABEL ABBREVIATIONS, EXPLANATION OF RECORD CONDITIONGRADING. AND OTHER INFORMATION. SHOWN ON NEXT PAGE