The record changer (Mar-Dec 1947)

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FOR DISPOSITION I . _ -.5 LICENCE fH I TEH ILL rOSC (HEROD 1ADE; £JS£t£ YSAYE VI 74419 V AUC 74364 N AUC _att{ qutographed } Co3*4 36526 ji:VAHM ZENATELLO( ELECTH I CAL ) 4A5KED SALL) ■/ MANON LESCAUT) I.CC I )/( ANDREA ChENIEr) WIJOU ZEROLA 7236 N auc i399 N AUC 1433 N AUC >l (Basked Ball) s i oco(pagliacci ) _fl SLUB3A(PAGLIACCI ) Ll PIETRA(AIDa) ICTELLO) t3 SEWPRE ( OTELLO 1 i kascente _la pira( tpovatore «iei(samson)/(«ARTIN) w VI6 V|6 vie :rR£« ZlUBJL 1ST 64166 N AUC 64206 N AUC 64168 N AUC Vl 74225 E AUC VI 74217 E AUC VI6 64168 E AUC V|6 64207 E AUC V|6 64170 N AUC hRS N AUC VI 66101 E AUC HILL MANS HILL Hill Hill Hill hill Hill hill hill hill Hill Hill hill MTED uein of heaven ^otker dear * march (lohengrin) r;-nr= ;»:;/:■ D AU \0T »ORTHv/HOLD GOD : ■ | E OF GOLDEN OREAUS ; P.ETRO Vl 25|55 Vl 25066 HCFF HOFF HOFF HOFF fH OF SEVILLE) '. LEI tHITE ITER LILV •N THE DARK » ■ tansT •RGAN RECORDS 26275 26249 HOFF HOFF FOR SALE 50.000 Records— 1899 to Date Mratic — Symphonic — Jazz — Popular ( Aituricana) Send Want List to JOHN C. SICIGNANO 2S Columbia A»t.. Nutle> 10, N. J. Yinylite Jazz Reissues SEND FOR OUR FREE 6PAGE CATALOGUE III E. 1 5TH ST., N. Y. C. 3, N. Y. Phone OR-4-3060 BOB'S BACK! 'RE-WAR COLLECTORS WILL KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS you started collecting hot after 1941 — ask any d-timer" about me. I deal only in the best cuts. Now preparing Sale and Auction Lists for rare S.. English. French, Belgian, German, Swiss, DanItalian and Indian discs. Send LARGE selfressed, stamped envelope (l%c— 2nd Class; 6c st Class, 10c — domestic airmail) for my forthig "SALES' TALK NO. 11." ROBERT B. SALES 7 M. E. Taylor Bldg. Louisville 2, Ky. FARRAGO 6 (Continued from Page 32) "Music For Fun," and the Boston "Pops" will just about have the field to itself as regards non-vocal inclusions. Incidentally, this is one of those 10 in. numbers on a 12 in. disc, but it's worth a dollar, anyway. — o — MANUEL de FALLA: El Amor Brujo. Hollywood Bowl Orch-Stokowski — with Nan Merriman, mezzo-soprano. Victor Album M/DM 1089. There are many who know much more about this music than myself but I'll bet that nobody '11 have more fun with this album than I will. Let's give the old college yell all around; to Stokowski, who was born for this sort of extravaganza; to Miss Merriman for the "Great Theater" of her vocal characterization (she makes you See what reason would tell you that you only hear) ; to the engineers for the undeniably astounding atmospheric balance; to the orchestra's personnel for superb teamwork in overcoming the problems of a most tricky assignment; and, truly, to David Hall for his handsomely devised program-notes. But let's not lavish any praise whatever upon the composer, seeing as how we were quite content to leave him all alone when the light went out on his hunger — not half-a-year ago. CHOPIN: Piano Concerto No. 2 in F Minor. Artur Rubinstein — NBC Symphony, Wm. Steinberg. Victor Album M/DM 1012. Some considerable time has elapsed since it was announced that Rubinstein had been engaged for a long series of recordings planned eventually to embrace all of Chopin's works. The project has assiduously been developed and with each additional release, the power and stature of the undertaking become increasingly apparent. Much remains to be done. Some Chopin music, recorded years before this stated enterprise was launched, stands in need of being re-waxed in accordance with today's advanced technical standards of piano transcription (and there still is some room for further experimentation), and, as to the items not yet released, there is occasion for the reminder that Art is Long and Time is Fleeting. The present issue is in every way a worthy portion of the whole and it undoubtedly will be accorded the response for which it calls. To be sure, the appeal of the concerti is a different thing (a Hollywood thing, if you will) from that of the mazurkas, ballades, etudes, etc., which, for the addict, constitute the real Chopin. Which is not at all to say that the concerti are semi-inspired drivellings, for they are, taken alone for what they are, the important expressions of a phenomenal genius. I have heard the piano recorded with more complete fidelity than it is in this set but, there again, the project has been under way for a period of time and it may be that the product is not being marketed in the order in which it was set down in the wax. The orchestra is properly held in check to perform its function as unobtrusive support to a fine piece of solo piano writing performed by a stupendously fine artist. I notice that some of our advertisers of records For Disposition have on occasion and presumably unwittingly noted some of their offerings as "Autographed." To be sure, several IRCC and HRS repressings bore labels personally signed by the singers. However, in cases such as Columbia records, the masters of which were signed and so pressed; these do not constitute bona-fide orthography and to claim the prestige of an autograph is misleading. PRIVATE LABELS to PERSONALIZE your LIBRARY of PHONOGRAPH RECORDS I-A-Z-Z • POPULAR • CLASSICAL Attractive Practical Inexpensive New Designs and Colors • SAMPLES FREE RPeo STUDIO P.O. Drawer 71 Evanston, 111. Buy, Sell, Trade Ray Noble, Hylton, Ambrose, Shaw, Goodman, J. Hodges. T. Dorsey. Bob Crosby, T. Martin, Bing Crosby, Whiteman, Ellington, Meade. Lux Lewis, Ella Fitzgerald, Marek Weber, etc. Libraries purchased. Welcome dealing with European and South American countries. RICHARD MELLOR 23 Charles S*., Auburndale, Mass. RECORD REQUESTS At Standardized Set Prices * Selection— GOOD: Prices — REASONABLE Condition — DEPENDABLE lii-inixcil Wiitil Lists Will Ki'i-i-ivc Immediate Attention GORDON BLACKBURN 228 N. W. 22nri Ave.. Portland 10, Ore. When in New York visit the LEWIN RECORD OUTLET 45-53 45th Street Woodside, L I., N. Y. Ironsides 6-6681 For all those hard to get records you've been looking for: HOT JAZZ AND SWEET Thousands of collector's items including Louis Armstrong, Wingy Mannone, Benny Goodman, Artie Shaw, Miller, Dodds, Bing, etc., also Big Bill, Slim Slam, and rare blues at N. Y.'s lowest prices. Call, write, or phone, highly recommended by P. M.