The record changer (Mar-Dec 1947)

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ANY RECORD L I STE D — 2 5C MINIMUM BID (See instructions, page 31. ) GLENN MILLER (CONTINUED) MISSOURI JAZZ BAND GLAHE MUSETTE 2226.1 BEG YOUR PARDOn/DOH WMAT BR 10561 V 2303. Somebody nobody loves/Linger Re 9586 V 2368. Low down/Play me polka Vl 725 V 2227. Beautiful Ohio/Missouri waltz PR 10587 N HAL MITCHELL PHIL NAPOLEON 2228. WOODPECKER SONG/LET'S ALL SING BR 10598 N 2304.PUT YOUR BRAKES On/BL 1 TZKRE 1 G Regis 6001 N 2370. Blue bayou/Love me Vr 656 2229. Sweet potato/Too romantic RR 10605 N CARLOS MOLINA ORCH. OZZIE NELSON 2230. Tuxedo junct/Danny boy BB |06|2 E 2305.NEGRA CONSTENTIDA/KARABALI VI 24159 N 2371. got you where/Say it isn't so Br 6372 V 2231. Say si si /imaqi nation BB 10622 N TOOTS MONDELLO 2372. Body and soul/Something to r Br 4922 V 2232. Moments in moonlite/Sierra sue BB 10638 E 2306. you're in love/Naughty naughty Br 8061 N 2373. Forget if you can/At long last BB 7825 V 2233. Melancholy baby/Star dust RB 10665 E + VAUGHN MONROE 2374. JERSEY Jl VE/SWI NG 1 N ' ON GOLDEN BB 1 1 180 t/+ 2234. Rumba jumps/never smile again BB 10673 E+ 2307. After it's overAou were neve Vl 27958 E 2375. Central ave.shuf/Sir Walter's BB I 1543 E + 2235. St a rl 1 TE & music/hear my song PR 10684 V+ 2308. all for love/Easy to love Vl 20 1 555 N 2376.Perfidia/Man who comes around BB 10626 E 2236. Wonderful oni /Alice blue gown BP 10701 N 2309.DARDANELLA/THERE 'LL BE CHANGE BB 1 1025 M 2377.WHERE/BEAT IT OUT BB 1 1 155 E+ of you PR 10745 N 23 10. Racing with moon/requestfully PB 1 1070 N NEW FRIENDS OF RHYTHM 2238.PENNA 6-5000/RUG CUTTERS SWING PB 10754 N 23ii.0ne foot in heaven/Tune town PR 1 1354 N 2378. PI FF 1 N 'RAFF /VORKSH IRE PUDD ING V 1 26366 N 2239. Stepping out with mem/Devil mayBB 10717 E 23 i 2. you danced with dynam i te/Cabi n BB 10966 N 2379. Sweet sue/coo dinny coo Vl 27412 N 2240. FOOLS RUSH IN/YOURS IS MY HEAR BB 10728 E + 2313.1 GUESS I'LL BE/l DON'T WANT PB 1 1399 N 2380. HIGH VOLTAGE/FOSTER CHILE Vl 26503 E 2241. SLOW FREIGHT/BUGLE CALL RAG RR 10740 r> 23 14. Music makers/g'bye now BB 1 1 1 14 N NEW MAYFAIR ORCHESTRA (RECORDED, Europe) 2242. Blueberry hill/billion dreams RB 10768 N 23|5. Coming out party/All i need i Vl 27910 N 238T. Lights of paris/Beside dutch VI 24004 E 2243. our love affair/Call of canyon RR 10845 E 23 16. Thumbs up/Clam chowder 3R 1 1 103 N 2382. With all heart/Middle of kiss Vl 25025 V 2244. Beat me daddy/Falling leaves RR 10876 N JOE MOONEY QUARTET RUBY NEWMAN 2245. Old black joe/Make believe BR 10913 E+ 23 17. SEPTEMBER SONG/jUST GIGOLO Cr 23790 N 2383. Send my love/Three guesses VI 24043 v+ 2246. Ml GHTINGALE SANG/GOODBYE LITTL RB 10931 E+ JOHNNY MOORE THREE BLAZERS 2384. Sweet le ilam i/Sw ing high VI 25543 V 2247.FRENES1/MY BLUE HEAVEN(E/N) BB 10994 2318 C. 0.0. /NO GREATER LOVE Exc 214 N NEWPORT SOCIETY ORCHESTRA 2248. 1 DO DO YOU/YOU ARE THE ONE RB 1 1020 N 2319 Rocks in bed/Real thins come AL 130 N 2385. Mim I /All by myself VO 14210 E 2249. CHAPEL IN VALLEY/SONG OF VOLGA BB i 1029 N 2320.Travelin'blues/Talk of town MM 131 N FRANK NEWTON QUINTET 2250. Dwelt marble hall/Stone's thro BP 1 1063 N OSCAR MOORE 2386. Daybreak bl/weary land blues BN 501 E + 2251. Sun valley jump/The one ! love PR 1 1 1 10 N 232 1 .MELANCHOLY MADEL 1 ME/FUGUE IN Atls 107 N RED NICHOLS 2252. Air minded execut/Spi rit is wi BB 1 1 135 N 2322. Escapade/Tell me you'll wait Atls 1 10 N 2387. Beat me daddy/Lowland blues OK 5676 a+ 2253. Boulder buff/Booglie wooglie BR 1 1 163 N MORAN AND FELDKAMP( PI AN0 DUET) 2388. LET ME DREAM/SHE SHALL HAVE BB 10683 N 2254. DON'T CRY CHERI E/Sv'EETER THAN RB 1 1 1 83 N 2323. Class i canna/nola Co 434 N 2389. Greatest discovery/i live agai BB 10451 N 2255.1 KNOW why/Chattanooga CHOO c BB 1 1230 N LOUMELL MORGAN TRIO GERTRUDE NIESEN 2256.Delilah/elmer's tune BB 1 1274 E 2324. Good enough to keep/Garbage m Super iooi N 2390.Temptation/Body and soul De 18351 E 2257. Papa ni ccolini/Dreamsville,0. BB 1 1342 N RUSS MORGAN RAY NOBLE WITH FRED ASTA 1 RE( P ICTURE OF 2258. J ingle bells/Santa. claus comin RB 1 1353 N 2325. Lambeth walk/Why doesn't China Pat 98 V+ Fred astaire on label) 2259.EV 'rythvng i love/BjABY mine BB 1 1365 N 2326. HOME TOWN/MOOMLI TE ON SUNSET Br 8066 V 2391.1 USED TO BE COLOR BLIND /CHANGE 2260.HUMPTY DUMPTY/NO LAUGHING MAT BB 1 1369 N 2327.T00DLE-Oo/MERRY-GO-ROUND BROKE Bp 7888 E PARTNERS Br 8189 E 2261. Day dreami ng/stri ng of pearls BR 1 1382 E 2328. You're education/Two bouquets Br 8084 V+. RAY NOBLE 2262. Slumber song/Moonli te sonata PR 1 1386 E + 2329. Johnson rag/China doll parade De 2778 E 2392. Moment 1 saw you/ ( R.VALLEE) VI 25313 Q+ 2263. white cliffs/We're couple in BB 1 1397 N 2330. must have kiss/Sweet moments De 2764 E 2393. Chi natown/let 's swing it Vl 25070 V 2264.M00NLI TE COCKTA IL/HAPPY IN LOV BB 1 1401 N 2331. Girl with pig tails/Wedding of De 2823 V 2394.Piccoli no/Top hat VI 25094 V+ 2265.F00LED/I T HAPPENED IN HAWAII BB 1 1416 N 2332. What's matter with me/So long De 2972 E+ 2395. OLD SPINNING WHEEL/HANT OUT Vl 24357 E 2266. LET'S HAVE ANOTHER/CHIP OFF BB 1 1450 M 2333. Woodpecker/in old dutch garden De 2954 N 2396. Nevermore/Follow secret heart VI 24749 V+ 2267. Skylark/Story of starry nite BR 1 1462 N 2334.PRISI0NERO DEL MAR/SOMEBODY De 4098 E 2397. Give my happiness/3 wishes Vl 24347 V 2268.1, AMPLI GHTEr/DON 'T SIT UNDER BB 1 1474 N 2335. I'LL NEVER SMILE/MOON OUT EYES De 3289 E 2398.GRI NZING/lSLE OF CAPRI Vl 24771 E 2269. that's sabotage/Serenade in bl VI 27935 N 2336. Sli ppi ng thru f i ngers/L 1 NGER De 2324 N 2399. LOVE IS SWEETEST/i 'LL DO BEST VI 24333 E 2270. At last/Kalamazzoo Vl 27934 N 2337. Girl behind venetian/does your heart 2400. With all heart/Beautiful lady VI 25209 V 227I.AL^NG THE SANTA Fe/RHAPSODY IN VI 201529 E beat for me De 2479 N 240 1 .St. Lou is blues/'Way down yonde Vl 25082 E+ 2272. Sleepy town train/Juke box sat.Vi20I509 E 2338. GeTT 1 N ' LONESOME /Nl GHTI MGALE De 18393 E 2402. Because of you/Very thot of yo Vl 24657 N 2273. IT MUST BE jelLy/Rainbow(2" CrJVi 201546 E 2339. From COAST OF MAI ne/Please DE 18482 E 2403. Blues in heart/by fireside VI 25141 V 2274.C0NCH1TA MARQUI TA/LONG TALL Vl 27943 N VICKI MORGAN 2404. Where lazy river/Something in VI 25459 V 2275. Here we go again/Long time Vi 201563 E+ 2340. Mew meat/Sw i ngaroo Chicago 1 1 1 N 2405. if you love me/We say the sea Vl 25240 E RAY MILLER JOE MORRISON ■2406 .Exper I ment/Dr 1 ft 1 n 't I de Vl 25006 V 2276. THE SHEIk/WEEP NO MORE CO 3519 V 234I.IITTLE BIT INDEPENDENT/WHEN A Bp 7583 E 2407. All forgotten now/lady of madr 24724 V 2277. IS SHE MY GIRL/SISTER KATE BR 3829 N ELLA MAE MORSE 2408. Where am i /Dinner for one VI 25187 V JACK MILLER 2342. Pip van winkle/Buzz me :ap 226 N 2409. GRI NZ ING/lSLE OF CAPRI Vl 24771 N 2278. Deep in arms of love/Just you Ve 2024 N 2342. hey Mr. Postman/House of blue jap 251 N 2410. i love you truly/Blue Danube Vl 24806 N 2279. Lou i se/just vagabond lover VE 1914 E MISS LEE MORSE 24| i ,Di nah/bugle call rag Vl 25223 N LUCKY millinder 2344. Old-fash i onedAes s'r my baby pe 1 1580 E 2412. heart of dark/Where was i co 35346 E 2280. Irish eyes/Camp meeting jamb V'R 624 N 2345. Oh boy what girl/i love you so Pe 1 1592 V 24|3. Harlem nocturne/Oakland to bur CO 35708 N 2281. Let's get together/Jammin' Vr 634 N 2346. you are own/Violets grow Co 1716 G 2414. harbor of dreams/if it's you CO 36271 N 2282. how about mess/let me off upt De 4099 N 2347.AlN'T HE SWEET/MOLL IE MAKE UP CO 939 F 2415. kiss boys goodbye/is that good Co 36256 E-t 2283. Big fat mama/Trouble in mind Df: 4041 N 2348. Hate to say goodbye/somebody Co 1063 Q 24 I6.C0MANDHE WAR DANCE/lROQUO 1 S CO 35258 N 2284. WHISKEY IN WELL/S.HI PYARD SOCIA De 16674 N 2349. SUS 1 ANNA/fyl A 1 N STREET Co 1752 N 2417. I'LL NEVER SMILE/MAYBE Co 35596 E-t 2285. Apollo jump/are you ready De 18529 N 2350. Little white lies/Nobody cares Co 2248 N 24i8. While lady sleeps/light of sil CO 36479 E 2286. Savoy/rock me de 18353 N 2351. LITTLE KISS/I LOVE YOU BELIEVE CO 2063 N 2419. Swing low/on the alamo Co 36212 N 2287. Sweet slumber/don't cry baby de 18569 N 2352. Cooking breakfast/Sing sinners Co 2 165 N RED NORVO mills blue rhythm band 2353. Miss you/in hush of night Co 1896 N 2420. Blues in E flat/Bughouse CO 3079 N •2288. Real thing comes along/Merry-g Co 3147 N 2354. I've got 55/Walkin' baby back Co 2417 N 2421. Just you/Beaut iful baby Br 8240 E 2289. Congo caravan/ride red ride OK 6119 N 2355. Until love comes/Blue turning Co 2101 N 2422. All begins and ends/picture me Br 7732 E 1 MILLS BROTHERS 2356. JUST YOU & l/STILL GET THRILL Co 2270 N 2423. How CAN 1 thank you/W 1 gwamm I n Br 8194 N ! 2290.Swanee river/Old black joe DE 3132 V+ 2357. GOOD MAN TO HAVE/DOING WHAT Co 1866 N 2424.C IGARETTE & S 1 l/AfTER DINNER Bp 8171 N ' 2291. Can't yo heah/love's old sweet de 3455 E JELLY ROLL MORTON 2425.DECCA stomp/Gramercy square De 691 n j 2292. Way down home/when you were 16 De 4348 N 2358.L00K1NG FOR BB/MUSHMOUTH SHUF Vl 23004 V 2426.P0LLY-W0LLy/WeDDING JACK & JIL DE 670 N ! 2293. SOME OF DAYS/FOUND NEW BABY De 228 N 2359. KANSAS CITY ST/NEW ORLEANS BUM BB 7757 N FRANK NOVAK ROOT 1 N 'TOOT IN "BOYS 2294. MY GAL SAL/lDA SWEET AS APPLE De 165 N 2360.W 1 N 1 N'BOY BL/lHONKY TONK MUSIC JM 1 1 E + 2427. Hot time in ole town tonight vo 03877 V 2295.LIMEH0USE BLUES/SWEETER THAN De 267 N BENNY MOTEN RED NORVO 2296.Swing for sale/Pennies from De 1 147 N 236I.M0TEN STOMP/( CLIFFORD HAYES) Vl 20 955 E 2428. Cuckoo in clock/We'll never kn VO 4698 M j 2297. FUNI CULI FUNICULA/jUST KID N De 2029 f! 2362. KANSAS CITY SHUF/YAZOO BLUES Vl 20495 F 2429. Time On hands/(SLAM STEWART) Cont 10001 N ! 2298.EIG BOY BL/DEDICATED TO YOU De 1 148 E+ 2363. Everyday blues/boot it VI 38144 V 2430. Jersey bounce/Arthur Murray Co 36557 N ! 2299.R0CKIN' CHAIR/LOVE BUG WILL(CR)DE 1227 N 2364.RI T-0 1 T-RAY/SMALL BLACK Vl 23342 V+ OHMAN— ARDEN ( PIANO DUET) 2300.shoe shine boy/Rhythm saved De 961 N 2365. Pass out lightly/Ding dong bl Vl 2 M99 v+ 243 1 .CANADI AN CAPERsAllAPLE LEAF RAG Vl 22608 2301. Never make promise/don't be b De 18753 N MOUND CI TY BLUE BLOWERS KING OLIVER j MISSISSIPPI SHEIKS 2366.SAN/KE0 HOT BR 2602 V 2432. When You sm i Li ng/St. James Inf. Vl 22298 F '.• 2302. Bootleggers bl/loose like that 01 8820 N RONNIE MUNRO ORCH. 2367. Lambeth walk/Me and my girl BB 7762 E 2433. Passing time/What's use of VI 2 301 1 V 42