The record changer (Mar-Dec 1947)

Record Details:

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FOR DISPOSITION' FIRST FOU TTERJi OF COLl.F.CTC SEE >f.CE 6, PR i CE IF FOR SALE; IF FOR AUCT I METHOO OF DISPOSITION: "Sal" for sale at price indicated; tra",fop trade; "auc", at uction. Closing date for bics. see pace 6. ' t-a " *"or trade" ir auction; "t-s" for trade cr sale; "sta" for sale, trade or auction. CONDITION OP RECORO: N-NE* E-Cxcellent; v-v£i : : D ; c-fa i r; p 3 2 1 L'BEL Of nECORO." I FRANCES ALDO [L F I L D'UN SOFFIO(FALSTAFF) Vl 88247 E SAL 4 4Ltba notte(«efistife:le)/Pani VI 6353 f. SAL 3 ; CELESTINA BON INSEG'JA ORE PIETOSA VERS I Ne( FOSZA ) Vl 92031 E SAL 4 , ;EA LA notte/Tj 'auour( Trov. ) Co 5194 V SAL 6 TOTI DAL MONTE 1 SCENEf LUC I A )EOGE CHIP £") Vl 36285 N AUC GULSEPPE DAN ISC :»t serena /Linda uia Br I5C78 V sal I GIGLI & DC LUCA ohe*e)/(Forza del DES.) Vl4 8069 N AUC em>.' ::sT ■■ ;osca)/(aida) Co4'9 5587 E AUC j»ANCE VI 88624 E SAL 2 ':i€LI »SSUR«(AIDA)/(GOSCA ) CO 5587 E.SAL 3 z. v. iE-«ABIE/THE MOUNT I ES VI 4305 G SAL ELMAN STRING QUARTETTE ARTET A UIN0R-*HNUET(";CHUBERT) 74574 G SAL 1TAB.STRIN6 QUAR . ( TsCMA I K )V|4' l0 74575 G SAL MARY GARDEN EST OOUx(HEROOiaoe) CO 30701 V SAL 3 =UIS LE JOURtLOUISEj/L'AMO CO 5440 V SAL 4 a. trouble/pour jama is( Tpav)co 5284 v sal 6 LUCY QATES 00 S.D. 50 S.D. 00 S.D. .00 S.D. VJEND ,50 ARGO WEND «END 00 S.D. 50 S.D. .30 *END .30 WENO .30 *END .00 S.D. .50 S.D. .00 S.D. Coy 291 I V sal .35 Wend 3V mine Sammy's song WILFRED GLENN chored/Out on the deep Vi' 19315 E auc — -LS OF THE SEA/%HEN BELL VI9 |9| |6 V AUC — Jr TO PHILADELPHIA V|9 17348 E AUC — JEANNE GORDON DELL'abiSSOIBallo) CO4'10 49747 V AUC m coeur 6"0uvre( Samson) Co4'10 49752 E auc — CP1AR0 HAMILTON/RAYMOND DlXONfWERRENRATH 0 PATRIOTIC SONGS Vl 9 18293 V SAL EOIARO HAV 1 LTON/HARVEY HIN'DEMEYER : »-5..t».,t ',03'jj . /■< . ■ ~ ■ — EDWARD HAMILTON (WerrenraTh) RSEILLAISE Vl9 |8338 G SAL FEROINAND H IMVE = L |ECH( P I A N I ST) 9 16305 G SAL VI 87255 E SAL I Vl 64839 E SAL I 5T rose summer/Blue bell6 LOUISE HOMER PROMISE ME EDWARD JOHNSON iR BRIQHT SMILE HAUNTS ME OLIVE KLINE :kin" in de min/longing vi9 45307 V sal OLIVE KLINE t ELSIE BAKER ibama moon/Naught/ waltz vT9 45203 V sal MANOL I TO FUNES (PIANIST) . 3ance*6/^i nuet( paderewski )Co 5637 E auc MCCRMACK & KREISLER V,4'9 8032 E auc SAL SAL : maria(Bach-Gounod) metropolitan opera chorus 3 i tems from prince igor vt9 45 1 33 g-sal erika morini !Zupka (By Zarzycki) vi4'!0 74727 E auc LAMBERT MURPHY/WERRENRATH iE=.™e/«fter all vT5 45162 -UMBIA SEW OF OCEAn/BaT"LE Vl9 45I2| j LILLIAN WORD ICA AHA INDIAN TRIBAL SONG Co 30486 G SAL 3, i-ONAISE (MIGN0N) CO 30661 V SAL 7. ISGRIO ONEGIN iRfl i a )/Allelu ja (mozart) amson & Del i la/( Samson 4 d) Vi4 7320 EZIO PINZA Rma)/(Faust) V| PINZA/PINZA t. MART I NELL I JPLE SCENE;AlDA)3 GROOVE Ch)V|4 8111 N AUC POL PLANCON <=0R Vl 85076 E SAL 3 jocation(Robert le Diable) Vl 85125 E SAL 4 vocation(magic Flute) Vie5042 E sal 4 Vl 1367 N AUC 1753 N AUC ELISABETH RETHBERG (Die fledermans )/( Boccaccio) Vi4 7415 N auc Wend (FAUST)/(Fa.UST). Vl4 7|79 N AUC V/ENO (Aida)/(aida) Vi4 7106 N auc Wend MARGARET ROMAINE & GEORGE MACFARLAHE Oh gustave( midnight girl) EVELYN SCATNEY Vi <° 601 |8 E sal .40 Wend AEVO 70015 E-AUC Argo (Faust/( Pearl of brazil) VERNON STILES Old refrain/Sunshine of sm Co4'9 5B90 G auc wend VERD I album DM-734 Requiem mass vi n auc Jaco REINALD WERRENRATH HE LEADETH ME Vl9 16749 E AUC WEND Rose of my heart Vi9 i 76 i 8 E auc Wend Danny deever Vi4'9 35476 E auc Wend WERRENRATH 4 MACDONOUGH Lost proscribed(martha) Vi4'6'10 31769 V auc wend CYLINDER RECORDS (ALL KINDS) SAL Clar edison cylinder phonographs (And 20 Records) sal 15.00 Clar record catalogs Old dated lists WANTED ■ Clar First four letters of collector's name. For address, see page 4. J |Price offered for record. 2|Catalog number of record. 1 [lABEL Selection. (Opera i n parentheses) . ANTON I 0 CORTIS LA B0HEME (Da-757) H. ERNST GRQH A I DA — B 49470 LUDWIG (Louis) Graveure A I da F— I |6I JULIUS PATZAK MAOAME BUTTERFLY-. PD 5007) SYD RAYNOR LA BOHEME K-977 MARCEL WITTRISH ONE LOVE A 1 479 1 2 3 4 HMV OR VI Jaco PAR jaco Tel Jaco Dec Jaco Dee Jaco Tel. Jaco WEND WENO — Wend — Wend — Wend 4 Murph 35 WEND "END 30 WEND 30 WEND 50 Argo 50 *rgo .35 Wend .35 Wend — Wend — Wend .35 WENO — "end .35 WEND .35 Wend 50 S.D. 50 S.D. — Wend — Wend — Wend — WEND 00 S.D. 50 S.D. CO S.D. WORLD WIDE RECORD and MUSJC AGENCY 143 E. Garfield Avenue MILWAUKEE 12, WISCONSIN For Collectors and Researchers Cylinders and Discs Domestic and Foreign Labels OPERA — CLASSICAL — INSTRUMENTAL Gay Ninety's — Ragtime — Jazz — Corn Pioneer Artists in All Fields Fixed List Prices Phonograph Records Cheap CATALOGUE FREE PARAMOUNT 313 East Market Street DEPT. 4. WILKES-BARRE, PENNA. SALE SALE HERMAN SHAW Many Original Label In Fine Condition Send for List to HARVEY J. GORGAN 5 Brule Gardens, Toronto, Ont., Canada sales necessary to keep them alive somehow has been effectuated. Then they, too, pass from view (the list of 1937's best-sellers seems to bear this discussion out pretty well). Marc Blitzstein's Airborne Symphony is something else again. It is destined, in your correspondent's opinion, to become regarded as an everlastingly valuable testament of this century's aspirations, hopes and fears. To have made it available, enshrined within the grooves of the thirteen disc surfaces necessary for its presentation brings a title to World Citizenship for all who have had to do with it, from composer to vendor, — and, by extension! for everyone who will listen to and absorb its message and its warning. It is as well that space for a side-for-side analysis is not available, for the feeling of urgency to name names and render thanksgiving to their owners will not be stayed. To Marc Blitzstein, then, the palm. To Robert Shaw, who, as choral co-ordinator and Monitor (Narrator) turns in as fine an example of inspired theatre as we shall be privileged to hear, ever. To Walter Scheff, baritone, for his eloquent tenderness and poignant innocence in rendering "The Ballad of the Bombardier" (a heartstirring love letter to "Emily"). To Charles Holland for the proud virility of his characterization. And, always, to the choristers for their observance of immaculate precision in speech and in song, BRAVISSIMO ! ! ! The Airborne, properly speaking, is not a symphony. It is a Dramatic Cantata for Democracy. It is not social propaganda — it is a stark warning to Mankind, — and if that warning goes unheeded and one copy of the Airborne's score should (by the utmost miracle) survive, those who have to rebuild, those pitiful few, will know that their work was cut out for them by antecedents who wanted a decent world if the markdown was OK. And so, the word is : — never you mind the gaudy class ring, the lifetime pen-andpencil set, the gold-embossed cyclopaedia or even the sheaf of good, solid stocks. Give that highschool graduate youngster or brother of yours a set of Blitzstein's The Airborne — and buy one each for your library, your celrgyman and your Alma Mater. Also, you'd better petition your favorite radio station to broadcast a complete performance on the eve of the next National Election. THOMSON. The Plow That Brdke the Plains. Stokowski-Hollywood Bowl Symph. Orch. Victor M/DM 1116. Four sides. The motion picture for which this music was created and from whose title the suite gets its own has come to be regarded as something of a yardstick of documentary journalism in the medium. The score, two thirds of it reckoned musically self-sufficient, has been having a tour* of the symphonic circuit and now finds its way to the turntable, where its life may endure for many enjoyable moments when properly programmed. Taken away from the text which was an important part of its film existence, its concert being is in six titled parts, — Prelude, Grass, Cattle Songs, Blues, Drought, and Desolation. Of these, the prelude and finale are in the almost dirge-like manner of Roy .Harris' Third Symphony. The Third and Fourth sections (Cattle Songs and Blues) bid fair to become appreciated encore offerings, and Cattle Songs in particular (a catchy scoring of familiar Western tunes) is sure to find a favored spot on the radio. Performed excellently, the recording is particularly striking. 55