The record changer (Mar-Dec 1947)

Record Details:

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or C^ztd oi ^Oidimclum — You'll find Jazz Man Records wherever smart collectors gather. No truly discriminating collection is complete without selections on the Jazz Man label by these artists : Kid Ory's Creole Jazz Band, Johnny Wittwer, Lu Watters' Yerba Buena Jazz Band, Jelly Roll Morton, Bunk Johnson's Original Superior Band, Wally Rose. At one dollar each, exclusive of taxes. Send for our descriptive brochure. In addition to these Collectors'Ttems-Of-Today on our own label, we have an incomparabale stock of the recorded masterpieces of the past. Those who demand the best in jazz, whether it be original labels, reissues, or current items, quite naturally turn to us. Since the rarer items seldom come to us in duplicate, a detailed catalogue is not available but we invite you to submit your want list. We specialize in orders by mail. Established 1939. RECORD SHOP 6420 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood 38, California