The record changer (Mar-Dec 1947)

Record Details:

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HOT JAZZ ART HODES HOT FIVE SIDNEY ART BECHET HODES soprano sax & clarinet piano WILD BILL DAVISON cornet POPS FOSTER bass FRED MOORE drums No. 531 SAVE IT PRETTY MAMA DARKTOWN STRUTTERS' BALL .No. 532 SHINE MEMPHIS BLUES No. 533 ST. JAMES INFIRMARY WAY DOWN YONDER IN NEW ORLEANS BLUE NOTE ALBUM 103 3 — 10" RECORDS $3.75 Excl. of Taxes FOR COMPLETE CATALOG WRITE TO BLUE NOTE RECORDS 767 LEXINGTON AVENUE RE 4-4167 NEW YOBK 21. N. T. When in New York Visit the LEWIN RECORD OUTLET 45-53 45th Street WOODSIDE, L I., N. Y. Ironsides 6-8681 15 Minutes from Times Square by I.B.T. or B.M.T. For All Those Hard-to-Get Records You've Been Looking For HOT JAZZ OR SWEET Thousands of collectors' items — including Armstrong, Mannone. Goodman, Shaw, Miller, Dodds, Hodges, Bing, etc., at New York's ■ lowest prices. Also Large Selection of ENGLISH PARLOPHONE English Brunswicks etc., including King Oliver, Armstrong, Bessie Smith and thousands of others. Call, Write or Phone Highly Becommended by P.M.